On this week’s Indy Spotlight, we highlight Christi Jaynes!

(Photo credit: https://www.facebook.com/Christi-Jaynes-101928900222109)
In a January 2020 interview with Big Gold Belt Media’s Damian Gracia, Christi Jaynes remarked that she wants all of her matches to “be great main event matches.” It is this determination and ambition that appears to be at least partly responsible for Jaynes’ growing presence in the professional wrestling world. A dynamic performer originally from Brazil, Jaynes is making her mark in wrestling rings in the United States and across the globe. Not only has her talent landed her on shows for promotions such as Championship Wrestling from Hollywood and Impact Wrestling, but it has also led to several appearances in All Elite Wrestling’s AEW Dark and AEW Dynamite.
Given the confidence and ability she displays in her matches, it seems to us that there are plenty of main events in Jaynes’ future. Recently, Jaynes corresponded with us about her workouts and more favorable hobbies, her admiration for her mother, and some words of wisdom she would offer to aspiring wrestlers, among other topics.

(Photo credit: twitter.com/christijaynes)
Thanks for taking time to chat with us again! When the ongoing pandemic forced much of the world into quarantine, it led to people finding various ways to pass the time. On your YouTube channel, many of your recent videos have been your quarantine workouts. Do you see yourself marketing your workouts to larger audiences in the future? What other hobbies outside the ring have helped you stay sane during these unprecedented times?
CJ: I’m not a workout guru, or a fan. Honestly I’m more of a foodie and World Traveler. I workout because of wrestling and because it’s good for your health. But I’m not going into that business, at least not yet.
As you know, being a pro wrestler comes with unique opportunities, including the chance to compete in various locations. Can you tell us about the strangest, weirdest, or most unconventional venue you have ever wrestled in?
CJ: You kind of normalize things and places, but a church building, basements, backyards, parking lots, flea markets–it’s all normal for the indies.
(Video credit: youtube.com/user/Dynamite13)
During your recent match on AEW Dynamite against AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida, in what was an amazing, hard-hitting match, Jim Ross mentioned, “She came from a single-parent family, with a mother who raised four kids while earning a doctorate. That’s the DNA in Christi Jaynes.” What does that mean to you?
CJ: The fact he gave mom a shout out was awesome!
But my mom taught me a lot. She was highly discriminated against in America and people constantly told her to return to Brazil. She taught me to block the noise and push through the hate. To follow your dreams: it’s important. People are built from their dreams and hopes, and if we allow people to crush it or ourselves, then we are nothing and allow ourselves to die.

(Photo credit: twitter.com/christijaynes)
It’s unclear to us fans if you are still considered a free agent, but what would it mean to you if you were to be offered and then to put ink on a contact for a wrestling deal?
CJ: It would mean the world to me, my family, immigrants and [my] country. It would solve a lot of problems. It would also mean I would have to work 2x harder to keep my spot. There are many talented people in the world, and it’s up to me to keep that spot and better my art.

(Photo credit: https://www.facebook.com/Christi-Jaynes-101928900222109)
Finally, if you were to teach a class of beginning pro wrestlers, what are one or two pieces of advice you would give your students on the first day of class?
CJ: Funny you ask this, because I’ve been speaking with someone about potentially opening up one. Make sure you want this. Don’t wast your time, body, mind and money. Not everyone likes Whiskey or Wine. We are not the same. Don’t waste my time or yours. This is not for hypersensitive people.
**Be sure to follow Christi Jaynes on the following social media platforms:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/christijaynes
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christi_jaynes/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Q-ARWM9-KmLUTo1xmK1Qw