AEW Double Or Nothing Results

May 24, 2020

,,May 23, 2020, ALL ELITE WRESTLING presented the second annual DOUBLE OR NOTHING event, live on pay-per-view!

,,Warning: this recap contains spoilers! If you missed any of the action from this historic night, order the replay now on pay-per-view, BRLive, and FITETV (international customers)!

,,Taz and Excalibur were the commentators for the Buy In portion of DOUBLE OR NOTHING.

,,To determine the #1 Contender for the AEW Tag Team Championship, it was Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)!

,Private Party have won four of their last five matches, while Best Friends have won five of their last six matches.

,Chuck and Kassidy began the match for their respective teams. They were both impressed with one another’s offense. Trent and Marq tagged in and Marq took a side headlock and then a standing moonsault on Trent. Trent countered Marq with a Northern Lights suplex. Kassidy came in and Trent took him off his feet with hard chops. Trent’s knee buckled after some tandem offense from Private Party.

,On the outside of the ring, Trent speared Kassidy but Marq floated over the top rope and nailed Trent with the tope con giro! Best Friends used a big assisted avalanche suplex onto Marq for a near fall!

,“Private Party are wrestling a very smart match tonight with no shenanigans,” said Excalibur.

,Trent decimated both members of Private Party with suplexes and tagged in Chuck Taylor. Best Friends used the sole-food combination on Kassidy. Private Party rallied back with a technical approach against their opponents. They hit the G9 (in a tribute to Shad Gaspard) on Best Friends. Marq Quen crashed down with a beautiful shooting star press on Trent! Quen was pulled out of the ring by Chuck, who gave him a spiked piledriver on the floor! Trent reversed the Gin & Juice on Quen. Chuck jumped off the top and after the Strong Zero, Trent pinned Quen!

,,Best Friends are the #1 contenders for the AEW Tag Team Championship!

,,Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone joined Excalibur at the broadcast table for the main card!

,,Our first match of DOUBLE OR NOTHING was the Casino Ladder Match, with the winner earning an AEW World Championship Match!

,,It’s Darby Allin vs. Orange Cassidy vs. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Luchasaurus vs. “Boom Boom” Colt Cabana vs. “SuperBad” Kip Sabian vs. a Mystery Wrestler!

,The wrestler who pulls down the giant casino chip suspended in the air wins the match!

,Sky and Frankie (both members of SCU) were the first entrants in the ring!

,“Luck of the draw!” said Tony Schiavone.

,Kaz and Sky chain wrestled each other, and as they were running the ropes, their heads cracked together. Kaz and Sky were both knocked down when the two-minute mark hit and the next entrant Kip Sabian (accompanied by Penelope Ford) strutted down to the ring. Jimmy Havoc came out on the other side of the ring to assist Kip Sabian. Darby Allin was entrant #4! Allin cleaned house!

,“It seems a match this violent favors someone like Darby Allin,” noted Schiavone.

,Darby Allin was holding his skateboard and jumped off the top of the ladder, but it cost him as he came crashing down on another ladder when Frankie Kazarian moved out of the way in the nick of time!

,“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy was the next entrant. He walked over to the broadcast team and asked them what the rules of the match were.

,“I swear on 200 separate occasions Tony Khan tried to explain the rules of this match to Orange Cassidy,” said Excalibur.

,“He doesn’t know how to set up a ladder,” added Jim Ross.

,“He knows how to do it, he’s just too lazy to do it,” said Excalibur.

,The next competitor in the Casino Ladder Match was “Boom Boom” Colt Cabana! The veteran Colt Cabana wasted no time pushing Orange out of the way so he could climb the ladder. “Bad Boy” Joey Janela was out next and took out all the competition, hitting a dropkick on Colt. Representing Jurassic Express, Luchasaurus was the 8th entrant and powerbombed Kip Sabian from the ring to the outside, and then choke slammed Kazarian onto one of the ladders! Darby hit a Code Red off the middle rope onto Luchasaurus!

,Making his AEW debut, Brian Cage was the mystery competitor and came out accompanied by Taz! Cage was manhandling and laying waste to everyone! He tossed Sky over his head with a reverse suplex!

,“Brian Cage is a machine!” said Excalibur.

,Cage climbed the ladder with Orange Cassidy on his back! It took all of the competitors to pull Cage back down to the mat. They tried to neutralize Cage by piling plunder on top of him.

,“They’re ,caging, Brian Cage!” said Tony Schiavone.

,Orange Cassidy and Kip Sabian duked it out on top of the ladder. Penelope Ford tried to interfere but Orange deflected her efforts. Jimmy Havoc attacked Orange but Best Friends ran out to give him an assist. Marko Stunt ran in to help Luchasaurus. Janela gave a running Death Valley Driver to Orange off the ring apron onto the giant poker chip that Brian Cage was buried under! Cage popped out from under the plunder! Luchasaurus and Cage battled in the middle of the ring like Godzilla and King Kong! Taz came out with his orange towel and shouted instructions to Cage. Cage had Darby Allin on top of a ladder and then threw the ladder (with Allin on the ladder) to the outside of the ring! Cage climbed to the top and grabbed the poker chip to win the match in his debut!

,Taz yelled at the camera: “I promise the bodies are gonna keep droppin’!”

,,Up next: MJF (accompanied by Wardlow) vs. Jungle Boy!

,MJF tried to gain the advantage on three exchanges to no avail, as Jungle Boy’s agility was too much for MJF in the opening minutes of the match. Jungle Boy had MJF down with ground and pound offense until ref Aubrey Edwards pulled him away. MJF feigned an injury. MJF then attacked Jungle Boy as Jungle Boy backed off to give Dr. Sampson time to examine MJF.

,Jungle Boy’s momentum got derailed after a wicked backbreaker from MJF! He then gave an arm wringer to Jungle Boy.

,“That may have done damage to Jungle Boy’s left arm and shoulder,” noted Jim Ross.

,Jungle Boy fought back with some chops, but it was clear his arm was hurting. MJF started jaw jacking with the ringside crowd and Jungle Boy hit three consecutive dives onto MJF.

,MJF savagely stomped on Jungle Boy’s arm. Jungle Boy countered with a submission but lost his grip because of his injured arm. MJF bit Jungle Boy’s hand when Jungle Boy tried a second time.

,Jungle Boy hit a reverse rana on MJF, who landed on the crown of his head on the ring apron!

,“MJF is knocked out,” said Jim Ross.

,Jungle Boy ascended the top rope but MJF met him up there. Jungle Boy hit an avalanche Liger Bomb on MJF off the top for a near fall! Jungle Boy tried to deadlift MJF but his arm was too injured. After a series of roll-ups, MJF pulled out the victory on Jungle Boy!

,“My god what a battle,” said Schiavone.

,,It was time to crown the first ever AEW TNT Champion! We had “The American Nightmare” Cody (with Arn Anderson) vs. “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts) in the tournament finals! “Iron” Mike Tyson came out to the ring holding the AEW TNT Championship!

,Referee Bryce Remsburg gave Cody and Archer the opportunity to shake hands to commemorate the occasion but Archer wanted no part of it and neither did Cody.

,Archer hit the Black Out right away but Cody had the wherewithal to roll out of the ring! Cody went for the cutter but Archer pounced him midflight with the shoulder tackle! Cody fired off some right hands but it wasn’t enough as Archer chucked Cody off the steel rail!

,Cody gave a high boot to Archer but “The MurderHawk Monster” barely budged. He started gouging the face of Cody. Archer walked the ropes and did the MurderHawk Moonsault onto Cody for a two-count! “Iron” Mike Tyson was smiling at ringside, watching the action, amused by the violence of this match.

,Cody dropped Archer flat on his face after holding him up vertically for 15 seconds. Archer was angered and ripped the padding off the turnbuckle. Cody went after Archer’s ribs, driving his knuckle into them. Cody climbed to the top rope but Archer grabbed him and launched him over the top with a military press!

,“What a sadistic individual is Lance Archer,” said Excalibur.

,Cody countered a roll up and applied a submission to Archer! Jake Roberts climbed to the ring apron to distract the ref. Cody gave Archer a DDT directly in front of Jake “The Snake” Roberts! Archer followed up with a spinebuster to Cody!

,“A message sent to Arn Anderson,” noted Excalibur.

,Cody connected with a springboard cutter on Archer but Archer kicked out at the 1-count! Cody dropped fists on Archer, who was begging Cody to strike him. Cody used the Bionic Elbow and then the Final Reckoning on Archer! Cody nailed CrossRhodes and Archer kicked out of the pin! Cody gave a Stinger splash to Archer but even that wasn’t enough to finish Archer. “The MurderHawk Monster” applied the EBD Claw to Cody!

,Archer was walking the ropes again but Arn Anderson knocked him down. Cody dropped Archer with an avalanche reverse suplex! Referee Paul Turner came out to inform ref Bryce Remsburg of Anderson’s interference. Anderson and Roberts were both ejected from the ringside area. Roberts returned with his snake-filled duffel bag but “Iron Mike” jumped onto the ramp, scaring Roberts away!

,Cody reversed Archer’s Black Out attempt and then pinned Archer after not one, but two CrossRhodes!

,“The American Nightmare” Cody is the first ever TNT Champion! Cody was emotional in the ring after being presented the title by “Iron” Mike Tyson.

,,AEW ringside physician Dr. Sampson gave an update concerning Dr. Britt Baker’s injuries to Alex Marvez. “The injury is not as bad as the patient, if I can be real,” said Dr. Sampson. “She’s real high maintenance. She’s a role model and she’d like to give her own update this Wednesday on AEW DYNAMITE.”

,,Penelope Ford, who was taking Dr. Britt Baker’s place tonight (accompanied by Kip Sabian, who was on crutches) vs. “The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” Kris Statlander was next!

,Statlander out powered Penelope with a shoulder drag. Kip distracted Statlander on the outside of the ring, and Penelope used it to her advantage to DDT Statlander.

,Statlander starched Ford, knocking her out of the ring. Statlander took flight and crash-landed like a UFO onto Kip and Ford!

,Penelope Ford caught Statlander with a hook kick for a near fall. Ford started driving Statlander’s head into her knee. Statlander showed her agility and used a running knee onto Ford.

,Penelope reversed the Big Bang Theory, and then Statlander blocked Ford’s stunner! Ford rattled Statlander with a hurracarana! Statlander caught Ford with the Big Bang Theory finally and pinned Ford!

,“It was back and forth the whole way but Statlander planted Penelope on the crown of her head,” noted Excalibur.

,,The next match of the night was “The Chairman” Shawn Spears vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes!

,Shawn Spears walked to the ring wearing a suit and claimed that Dustin Rhodes was at home washing his tights. Dustin’s music began to play. Spears started laughing and said that was a joke that he was playing on the fans. Spears told ref Aubrey Edwards to ring the bell and start counting to ten so he could get the forfeit victory.

,Dustin’s music began to play again and Brandy Rhodes walked out and waved to Shawn Spears. From behind, Dustin hopped into the ring and began to attack Spears, pulling Spears’ shirt over his head.

,“It’s a hockey fight,” said Jim Ross.

,Dustin Rhodes powerslammed Spears! Dustin yanked the pants off Spears and clotheslined him over the top rope. Dustin gave Spears the Final Reckoning and pinned Spears!

,“Dustin’s demise was greatly exaggerated,” noted Jim Ross.

,,AEW’s ALL OUT was announced for September 5th, 2020!

,,#1 ranked Hikaru Shida faced AEW Women’s World Champion “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose in a No Disqualification, No Count Out Match for the championship!

,Champ Nyla Rose came to the ring with Shida’s Kendo stick.

,Nyla swung for the fences with the Kendo stick but Shida avoided it. Shida tried to get the stick away from Nyla but Nyla began striking her with it against the lower back. Nyla and Shida brawled outside the ring. Nyla smashed Shida through a poker table!

,“Always bet on black,” said the champ.

,Nyla placed a steel chair across Shida’s throat, attempting to choke her out.

,“Nyla is just bullying the challenger,” said Excalibur.

,Nyla gave Shida a big splash but Shida kicked out at the two-count! Nyla went for the BeastBomb but Shida countered. Shida was looking for a suplex but Nyla reversed it with a suplex of her own. Shida jumped onto Nyla with a cross body press and then rattled Nyla with a running knee to the chin! Shida used Nyla’s momentum and gave her a hip throw onto one of the giant poker chips! Shida grabbed the Kendo stick and blasted Nyla repeatedly! Shida almost had Nyla off her feet but Nyla powerslammed Shida. Nyla draped Shida across the top rope and then spring boarded off the top, landing a knee across the back of Shida’s head!

,Nyla set up a table in the corner and charged with Shida for a Death Valley Driver, but Shida fought back with wild right hands! Nyla powerbombed Shida through the table but Shida kicked out of the pinning attempt!

,Nyla dropped Shida with the DVD and then struck her with the Kendo stick! Nyla climbed to the top rope but Shida winged the Kendo stick at her. Shida met Nyla on the top rope and then gave her an avalanche Falcon Arrow for a near fall! Shida smacked Nyla with the Kendo stick and pinned Nyla after a running knee!

,And new AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida!

,“The Hikaru Shida era begins in All Elite Wrestling,” said Excalibur.

,,“The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee challenged for the AEW World Championship against champ Jon Moxley in the first of two main events of the evening!

,Mr. Brodie walked out to the ring with the AEW World Championship around his waist, a belt he had stolen from Mox 17 days ago on ,DYNAMITE,. A security team stood in the ring to keep Brodie Lee and Jon Moxley separated before the bell rang.

,Coming into this match, Mox is 11-0 in 2020 and Brodie Lee is 5-0 in 2020.

,Mox got caught with a big right hand. Brodie went for a high kick and missed, spilling outside the ring. Mox acted quickly with a tope suicida! Mox came off the top rope but Brodie Lee tossed him out and then connected with a tope suicida of his own!

,It turned into a slugfest on the outside of the ring! Brodie suplexed Moxley onto a steel guardrail. Back in the ring the slugfest continued with each wrestler dishing out forearms, elbows and boots! Mox spiked Brodie Lee with the Gotch-style piledriver! Mox went for a jumping knee strike but Brodie anticipated it and countered with a dropkick! Brodie set up Mox on the ring steps for a piledriver but Mox back dropped out of it, sending Brodie crashing through the timekeeper’s table!

,“They have literally fought all over this arena,” noted Tony Schiavone.

,“The Exalted One” powerbombed Moxley. The champ kicked out at two! Mox crawled to the top of the stage and gave Brodie Lee a Paradigm Shift DDT through the ramp! Mox emerged, the first man up on is feet and back into the ring. Brodie Lee finally climbed out of the hole, his head now busted open. Brodie Lee kicked out of two Paradigm Shifts! Moxley hooked Brodie with a rear naked choke sleeper and Brodie passed out! Moxley won via ref stoppage!

,And still the AEW World Champion Jon Moxley!

,“We’ve never seen a world title match like this ever,” said Tony Schiavone.

,,It was time for the second of tonight’s two main events—the Stadium Stampede Match from the TIAA Bank Field—“The Inner Circle” (Team Captain Le Champion Chris Jericho, “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana and Ortiz) vs. The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Kenny Omega & “Hangman” Adam Page, team captains Matt & Nick Jackson, and “Broken” Matt Hardy)!

,Falls count anywhere in the stadium! The Inner Circle wore football uniforms onto the field. The wrestling ring was set up on the 50-yard line. “Hangman” Adam Page was introduced by announcer Justin Roberts over the PA system but didn’t come out at the start of the match. Finally Page made an entrance on horseback and chased down Sammy into the arena!

,The Young Bucks used tandem offense to knock down Jericho inside the ring.

,“Matt Jackson’s ribs are really bothering him here,” noted Jim Ross.

,The Inner Circle celebrated in the ring as Sammy returned to the ring. The cheerleaders were chanting “Sammy! Sammy! Sammy!” and twirling their pompoms! Matt Hardy spiked Sammy with the Twist of Fate!

,Santana connected with a moonsault onto The Elite. Then Sammy followed up with a shooting star press!

,Kenny Omega and Jake Hager slugged it out on the 30-yard line! Matt Jackson was rammed into the field goal post by Jericho!

,Matt Jackson climbed a ladder and moonsaulted off the goal post onto Sammy and Jericho. It was good for a two-count on Jericho!

,Santana and Ortiz double-teamed Omega in the two hundred level of the stadium. “Hangman” Page continued on horseback inside the stadium corridors, looking for Sammy.

,In the upper deck area, Santana and Ortiz swung madballs at Hardy and Omega! Santana and Ortiz threw salt into Omega’s eyes. They gave him a combination powerbomb through a guardrail, the hard stadium concrete breaking his fall! Santana and Ortiz threw Hardy into the swimming pool in the rally zone and then put his head under water! When Hardy popped back out of the water, he was no longer Damascus but a different version of the Hardy vessel! Hardy began punishing Ortiz for what he did to Vanguard 1. Hardy back dropped Santana through a table onto Ortiz! Hardy rang Ortiz’s bell (literally)! Hardy duct taped Ortiz to a wheelchair and then put Santana on ice (literally)!

,Hager was inside the stadium searching for “Hangman.” Hager found “Hangman” at the bar.

,“Did you come here to fight or did you come here to drink?” asked “Hangman.” Page offered Hager a drink and then the fists started flying! Hager hoisted up “Hangman” and then slid him through everything on top of the bar like something out of a John Wayne western! Omega came to the aid of “Hangman,” who then hit the Buckshot Lariat on Hager. Page and Omega toasted one another.

,Back on the field, Matt hit Northern Lights suplexes on Sammy across the entirety of the field. Nick Jackson kicked a bullhorn into Jericho’s face! Jericho hit Nick Jackson with “Floyd” the baseball bat and then covered him for a two-count! Jericho challenged ref Aubrey Edwards to watch the instant replay and after review, Aubrey said the call would not be overturned!

,Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega chased down Sammy in a golf cart but Sammy climbed over the wall to escape. Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega caught Sammy after he was distracted by Neo 1 (the upgraded Vanguard 1). Omega took down Sammy with the One Winged Angel from high atop the stadium! Omega pinned Sammy and The Elite were victorious! They celebrated by dumping Gatorade onto Kenny Omega!

,,If you missed this historic night, order the replay now on pay-per-view, BRLive, and FITETV (international customers)!

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