Tonight’s historic 200th episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Yuengling Center in Tampa, FL!
Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!
Chris Jericho & Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis)
Daniel Garcia & Sammy Guevara!
Jericho hit a shoulder block on Sammy and Sammy sprung right back up to his feet. They traded chops and then Sammy connected with a corkscrew dropkick. And Jericho got right up to his feet!
Garcia tagged in and wrenched at Jericho’s arm, yanking him down to the mat. Garcia taunted Jericho by dancing in front of him. Takeshita grabbed a tag and took down Garcia with the Takeshita Line.
Jericho nailed Garcia with a vertical suplex and then blew a kiss to the viewers at home. Callis grabbed Garcia’s boot as Garcia was hitting the ropes. The distraction allowed Jericho to continue his onslaught on Garcia.
Jericho attempted the lionsault, but Garcia raised his knees to counter. Sammy and Takeshita both tagged in, and Sammy unleashed a flurry of offense on Jericho and Takeshita including an elbow suicida and a tornillo. Sammy got a near fall on Takeshita after a frog splash.
Jericho broke up the pin attempt, and Sammy pushed Jericho. “The Ocho” pushed back until Garcia took exception, jumped in and grounded and pounded Jericho. Sammy’s attention was diverted, watching Garcia pummel Jericho. Takeshita took advantage of this and planted Sammy with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Takeshita locked Sammy in the Walls of Takeshita. Sammy escaped but Jericho tagged in. Sammy rocked Jericho with a Spanish Fly.
Jericho and Sammy both had the same idea, trying for clotheslines, and they collided, knocking one another down. Garcia tagged in but he was intercepted by Jericho and the Code Breaker for a near fall.
“Don Callis looks concerned. He should be,” said Taz.
Sammy nailed Takeshita with a thrust kick. Sammy followed up with a shooting star press to Takeshita on the arena floor!
Garcia charged at Jericho in the ring, but Jericho raised a boot. Garcia blocked the Judas Effect and rolled up Jericho for a near fall. Garcia applied the Dragon Tamer. While the ref was distracted by Takeshita and Sammy brawling outside the ring, Callis grabbed Jericho’s bat and cracked Garcia in the head with it!
“Jericho saw him do it!” said Excalibur.
“The referee didn’t, but Jericho did,” replied Taz.
“Oh, boy, Chris has got a big decision here, doesn’t he,” added Schiavone.
Jericho turned to look at Callis and said, “What the—?!” But then Jericho covered Garcia and scored the pinfall victory.
“Not only did Chris Jericho choose the win, he chose the Don Callis Family over the Jericho Appreciation Society,” said Excalibur.
“I understand what you’re saying but Chris looks perplexed. Like he didn’t want to do it, but he had to do it,” added Taz.
“Chris Jericho making his choice here on AEW Dynamite 200,” said Excalibur.
AEW CEO, President, and General Manager Tony Khan was backstage!
Tony Khan: “We’re celebrating 200 episodes of AEW Dynamite tonight, and we’re also celebrating an important milestone on our way to the biggest professional wrestling show of all time—AEW All In, August 27th at Wembley Stadium in London.
“Thank you to all the fans around the world who made it possible and thank you to the wrestlers and staff.”
A highlight package aired of memorable moments from the past 200 episodes.
After a commercial break, Renee Paquette was backstage trying to get a word with Chris Jericho!
Before Jericho could respond to Renee, Matt Menard interrupted.
Menard: “Hey, I don’t know what the hell is going on around here. Next week: Jericho Appreciation Society, mandatory meeting. You’re gonna be there. Got it?”
Jericho walked off without saying a word to Renee.
Tony Schiavone was in the ring to introduce FTW Champion Jack Perry!
Jack Perry yanked the microphone out of Schiavone’s hand.
Jack Perry: “Jerry, I gave you a week to get ready for this. So, get out here and take your ass kicking like a man!”
Jerry Lynn walked onto the ramp with a microphone.
Jerry Lynn: “First of all Jungle, you don’t run the show around here. And as much as I’d like to come to the ring and make an example out of you, I won’t because that would be nothing more than child abuse. And second of all, I don’t run the show around here. And with all the plates and screws in my neck, there’s not a doctor alive that would clear me to return to that ring.
“But I just so happen to call a good friend of mine who just so happened to wrestle in ECW, who just so happens to still wrestle today. So, what do you say Jungle?”
Rob Van Dam walked onto the ramp and gave Jerry Lynn a high five! RVD walked to the ring and stared Jack Perry dead in the eyes. Jack Perry rolled out of the ring, wanting no part of RVD.
As Jerry Lynn and RVD were talking in the ring, Jack Perry jumped back in with a steel chair! He swung it at RVD, but RVD dodged it. RVD went for a spinning round house kick, but Jack Perry ducked and retreated once more.
Anything Goes Match!
Jon Moxley vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Trent Beretta!
The action spilled outside before the match even began, with all three men brawling! Moxley chomped on Trent’s forehead. Penta cracked Mox and Trent in the head with a trash can!
Moxley surprised Penta El Zero Miedo with a cutter out of the corner. Moxley grabbed a barb wire wrapped 2×4 from beneath the ring. Mox used the weapon on Trent, raking Trent’s face with it. Moxley spiked Trent with a piledriver on the barb wire 2×4. Trent fired back with a suplex to Moxley onto the barb wire 2×4!
Alex Abrahantes helped Penta set up two tables outside the ring. Penta climbed to the top turnbuckle but Moxley ambushed Penta. Trent jumped onto the apron, climbed up to meet Moxley and then superplexed Moxley through the tables on the arena floor!
Trent and Penta teamed up to nail Moxley with thrust kicks. Penta crushed Trent with an avalanche destroyer through the table! Moxley rammed into Penta with a shoulder tackle, sending Penta through the table! Moxley spilled a bag of thumbtacks onto the mat!
Moxley planted Penta with a Gotch style piledriver onto the tacks for a near fall. Moxley crushed Trent with a cutter onto the thumb tacks!
The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”
All three men traded forearms and chops in the center of the ring. Moxley connected with a King Kong Lariat on Trent. Moxley clobbered Penta with the Paradigm Shift! Trent charged at Mox with a knee strike and then pinned Penta!
“Trent picked up the scraps left behind by Mox,” said Taz.
After the match Moxley locked Trent in a sleeper choke hold. Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta began to make their way to the ring like a couple of sharks, but they were intercepted by Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy! Trent jumped off the top rope and wiped out the BCC!
Inside the ring Chuck Taylor fast balled a steel chair at Claudio. Orange Cassidy decked Moxley with the Orange Punch!
Chuck Taylor: “It looks like this didn’t accomplish a thing! So how about Friday night on Rampage, we go back to Daily’s Place in Jacksonville. Meet us in the parking lot!”
Renee Paquette was backstage with Rob Van Dam!
RVD: “Renee I heard Jack running his mouth. I mean, does he know people are listening? Dude, guess what? Next week I want to challenge you for the FTW Championship. And after I beat him and become the new FTW Champion, here’s what I’m thinking. I’ve done this with so many championships in the past. I inflate the value and then I just retire it. But it depends how much fun I have next week wrestling Jungle Jerk. All you have to worry about Jack, is next week, one on one, it’s you and this guy—Rob Van Dam.”
AEW World Champion MJF came to the ring!
The crowd chanted “MJF! MJF! MJF!”
MJF: “Sounds like we’ve got a couple devil worshippers in the house tonight. I’m a little emotional so if you guys don’t mind, I just want to have a real heart to heart conversation with everyone here tonight and everyone at home.
“As some of you may recall I have attention deficit disorder. With that disorder comes a litany of other disorders linked to it and one that I struggle with is called rejection sensitive disorder. Essentially my brain is structured to not regulate rejection-based emotions or behaviors making life sometimes really difficult for me.
“To be honest life would have been pretty difficult for me without RSD. There’s a lot in my past you guys don’t know. I’ve been bullied, cheated on, lied to, I’ve been battered, I’ve been beaten up. And frankly a lot of it I blacked out. But there is one thing that I still remember to this day and that is the day those kids walked up to me with their hands filled with quarters at threw them at me and said, “Pick it up Jew boy.’
“To this day I can hear their laughter and I remember saying to myself that day, I had to stab everyone in the back before they had the opportunity to stab me. But I’m beginning to realize that that’s no way to live. Because Tampa, while I was protecting myself, I ended up becoming one of them. I ended up becoming a scumbag myself. It’s true. And to be honest guys, being a scumbag is easy. Making you people hate me is easy.
“What’s hard is being vulnerable and being open. That’s hard. And I knew with my disorder that if I opened myself up and if I was Max and you people booed me, it would kill me. But you know what? I’m not scared anymore. I am not scared anymore and that is because of each and every single one of you.
“You people taught me that you do care about Max. You people taught me, by God, you’ve got sympathy for the devil. I’m not going to change overnight. I’m still a scumbag, don’t get me wrong. But I am ready to be your scumbag!
“But there is one person in particular you taught me to think like this. A person who taught me that I can trust. A person who taught me that I can be vulnerable and yes, even MJF, the devil, deserves a friend. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to give you a warm round of applause for someone I believe is one of the best wrestlers in the world, one of the best humans in the world, my best friend Adam Cole, baybay! Adam, come on out here.”
Adam Cole walked to the ring.
The fans chanted for Adam Cole.
Adam Cole: “Max you continue to impress me every day, man. But seriously it’s not just because you’re at such a young age one of the best professional wrestlers in the world, but it’s because of the man you’re becoming. Because I do appreciate you coming out here and sharing your story. But I want you to know you are not alone.
“Max for years I was a jerk because I thought that’s what I had to do to success, and I was scared. Max you are becoming the man you are meant to be. These people love you and adore you. They know deep down in your heart there is a good guy in there. So, Max, I want to make sure you know this. Not only am I incredibly proud of you but we are incredibly proud of you.”
MJF: “I made you a promise that after our match with FTR, I’d give you a shot at the triple B, the AEW World championship. And I gotta tell you I’ve been thinking long and hard on it and I’ve come to the conclusion: you don’t deserve a match. That is, you don’t deserve just any match. You deserve the match. In front of the most historic crowd in the history of our sport, on the most historic night in our sport, in the main event, MJF and Adam Cole, Wimbley, All In!
“There is no one I would want to make history with more than you. So please sign this contract.”
Adam Cole signed the contract!
Adam Cole: “Max, I love you, man.
MJF: “I love you too, dude.”
Cole and MJF hugged!
“The main event is official! All In: London, Sunday, August 27th, the AEW World Championship on the line, MJF versus Adam Cole, one on one!” said Excalibur.
Backstage Roderick Strong was shown destroying monitors, angered by what he had just seen.
Matt Taven and Mike Bennett approached Strong.
Taven: “That’s Cole, always forgetting about his real friends.”
Trios Match!
The Elite—Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks—Nick & Matt Jackson
Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, & Satnam Singh!
“There would be no AEW without the Elite,” said Excalibur.
Jarrett grabbed a headlock on Omega. Double J body slammed Kenny Omega and then did the Fargo strut.
Jay Lethal tagged in but Omega was ready for him with an arm drag. Matt Jackson tagged in, and he and Nick hit tandem offense on Lethal.
Satnam Singh tagged in, and the Bucks dropkicked him. Satnam connected with a cross body on both the Bucks. Nick Jackson nailed Jeff with a superkick. Omega tagged in and cleaned house on Lethal and Jarrett with Polish Hammers. Omega went for a moonsault but Lethal countered by raising his knees.
The Bucks invited Lethal and Jarrett to a superkick party. They brought Satnam down to size with superkicks. Kenny followed up with a V-Trigger to Satnam. Karen Jarrett jumped on the apron and distracted the referee. Omega hoisted up Satnam for the One-Winged Angel. Sonjay Dutt ran into the ring and blindsided Omega. Lethal planted Omega with the Lethal Combination! Brandon Cutler hopped onto the apron and sprayed Karen with the cold spray. Sonjay rocked Brandon with a haymaker.
Matt and Jeff Hardy ran to the ring and neutralized Sonjay Dutt! As the ref was distracted by the Hardys and Dutt, Jarrett grabbed a guitar. He swung it at Omega, but Omega ducked. “Hangman” Adam Page appeared out of nowhere and derailed Jarrett with the Buckshot Lariat!
Lethal grabbed the guitar but before he could use it, Omega clocked him with the V-Trigger! Omega finished off Lethal with the One-Winged Angel and pinned him!
Kenny Omega: “We’ve got some important news in case you guys don’t have the internet. What’s on your mind, Hangman, tell them.”
Hangman Adam Page: “I don’t know if you’ve seen but there’s been a big announcement today that the Elite have re-signed with AEW. So tonight Dynamite 200, we’re so happy to be here, and here’s to the next 200.”
Omega: “And whether it be Dynamite, Ring of Honor, Rampage, heck, even Collision, you’re going to be seeing more of us. But until then, goodbye and goodnight. Bang!”
“Those four men put the Elite in All Elite and they’ll be around for years to come,” said Excalibur.
The Mogul Embassy played footage of them invading the Buddy Wayne Wrestling Academy!
Nick Wayne was training in the ring when Swerve opened the door. AR Fox and Swerve Strickland swarmed Nick Wayne! They forced a bloody Nick Wayne to call Darby Allin.
Darby picked up and Swerve grabbed the phone and admonished Darby for not calling AR Fox years ago. Swerve: “We’re the ghosts of your past and we’re here to haunt you, so this is just the beginning Darby. Mogul Embassy forever.”
ROH World Tag Team Championship Match!
Aussie Open (c.)—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis
AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander!
Vikingo took down Fletcher with a tornillo. Davis tagged in and Komander walked off the shoulders of Vikingo and came down with a hurracanrana on Davis.
Davis booted Komander in the head. Aussie Open double teamed Komander with their tandem offense.
“They’re just running through Komander right now,” said Schiavone.
Vikingo tagged in and sent Davis to the floor with a dropkick. Vikingo nailed Fletcher with a diving leg drop. Vikingo and Komander attempted stereo tope suicidas but Aussie Open caught them and then rammed them against one another spine first!
Komander and El Hijo del Vikingo walked the ropes and hit double moonsaults to the arena floor on Aussie Open! They followed up with stereo 450 splashes on Davis, but Fletcher broke up the pin attempt!
Aussie Open rallied back and squashed Komander with clotheslines and then finished him off with the Coriolis for the victory!
Main Event Time!
AEW Women’s World Championship Match!
Toni Storm (c.) (with The Outcasts) vs. Hikaru Shida!
Storm and Shida traded forearms in the center of the ring. Storm rolled outside to collect herself.
Shida grounded and pounded Toni Storm. Shida battered Storm until Storm grabbed the ropes. Shida nailed Storm with a running knee. Shida whipped Storm into the barricade.
Hikaru Shida suplexed Storm into the turnbuckles. Storm gouged the eyes of Shida. Storm crashed into Shida with a hip attack. The Outcasts double teamed Shida outside the ring.
Shida intercepted the hip attack and then German Suplexed Toni Storm. Shida dazed Storm with two running knee strikes. Shida followed up with a missile dropkick for a near fall on Storm.
Shida walloped Storm with a meteora for a two-count! Shida hoisted up Storm onto the top turnbuckle. Ruby Soho yanked Shida down. Toni Storm DDT’ed Shida! Storm crushed Shida in the corner with a hip attack! Storm followed up with the DDT, but Shida kicked out at the two-count!
Excalibur had breaking news and announced next week for Dynamite it’ll be Jack Perry against RVD in an FTW Rules match!
Shida connected with a knee strike. Shida planted Storm with the Falcon Arrow for a near fall! Saraya slipped a kendo stick into the ring. Shida and Storm fought for the kendo stick. Storm dropped to her knees and urged Shida to use it, knowing that Shida would get disqualified if she did. Instead, Shida turned around and hit Ruby Soho in the head with it! Shida hit Saraya with it next!
Shida threw the kendo stick down. As ref Paul Turner grabbed the kendo stick and turned around to remove it from the ring, Toni Storm sprayed Shida in the eyes with the spray paint! Storm spiked Shida with the Storm Zero but Shida kicked out at two! Shida cradled Storm and pinned her!
And new AEW Women’s World Champion…Hikaru Shida!
Catch AEW DYNAMITE: 200 on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH!
This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!
Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday live on TNT at 8/7c from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, SC!
And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!
Article source: allelitewrestling.com
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