Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was held live from the Entertainment And Sports Arena in Washington, D.C.!
It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!
Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
We opened with the return of Jon Moxley!
Moxley: “A little while ago I fell asleep on a plane. Landed in a city and I woke up from a bad dream. I don’t remember everything about it but I remember I was on the side of the road in the dirt and my face was bruised and cut. There was a black cloud hanging over me, a demon that’s been following me around my whole life.
“This cloud was laughing at me. All this stuff that happened to me, that cloud, this demon, asked me, ‘Did you really think you were going to make it out?’ I woke up before I answered him.
“Nobody gets out of life unscathed. But the important ones are the scars we carry on the inside. Sometimes we try to hide them, but those are the scars we should be proud of. Those are the scars that make us the people we are.
“Nobody is perfect. If everyone was perfect, the world would be a boring place. Everyone should be able to stand up, scars and all, and say, ‘Hey, this is me.’ I’m sure there are plenty of people that want to write me off.
“If you want to doubt me, I’ll tell you the same thing I told that demon. You can take all that and shove it up your ass! I don’t run from demons.
“For everyone that had my back, thank you! Buckle up! We are going for a ride in 2022! Now, more than ever, I am truly free!
“I’ve been to hell. I wouldn’t recommend it. But it is very liberating. So if there’s anybody in AEW who thinks they can put me through more hell than I’ve already been through, know this, you thought I was dangerous before…these days all I drink is blood!”
MJF was backstage with Wardlow.
MJF apologized to Wardlow for losing his cool last week. But MJF said he couldn’t allow Wardlow to put his hands on him again, so he had to dock his pay. MJF said that tonight Spears is going to show the world, and Wardlow, how to get the job done against PG Punk.
Mixed Tag Team Match!
“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy & Kris Statlander vs. Adam Cole #BayBay & AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.!
Statlander tried to square up with Britt but Britt immediately tagged out to Cole. Orange came into the ring but then Cole tagged out to Britt. Statlander tagged in and scooped Baker and slammed her.
Kris went for the Big Bang Theory but Britt escaped and tagged out to Cole. Orange Cassidy hit a flying cross body on Cole. Orange tried to a swinging DDT but Cole pushed him away and then blasted him with a thrust kick. Orange rallied back with the swinging DDT but Cole rolled to the outside of the ring.
Baker charged in but Kris booted her and then planted Baker with a delayed standing vertical suplex! Statlander connected with a pendulum moonsault onto Baker on the outside of the ring. Orange and Kris celebrated but then Cole and Baker landed a pair of superkicks on their opponents!
“Wrestling Orange Cassidy is like wrestling a slinky. You don’t know which way he’ll bend,” said Jim Ross.
Statlander whipped Baker into the turnbuckles and ran into her with a forearm smash. She followed up with a blue thunder bomb on Baker for a near fall! Baker rolled up Kris with a backslide for a near fall of her own. Britt used a swinging neck breaker on Statlander!
Orange and Cole traded shots!
“Look at these right hands by Orange,” said Jim Ross.
Cole connected with kicks to Orange but Orange countered with the Stun Dog Millionaire. Baker made the blind tag and curb stomped Orange! Statlander tagged in and planted Baker for a near fall.
“Statlander knows she can beat Britt Baker. It’s happened before,” said Excalibur.
“But not lately,” replied Jim Ross.
Cole used himself as a human shield to cover Britt Baker but Statlander hit them both with the Area 451 splash! Orange hit Cole with the Beach Break! Orange Cassidy removed his elbow pad but Cole retreated to the ramp. Cassidy tried to hurl himself over the rope but Cole landed the superkick on Orange!
Britt Baker blindsided Kris with a kick and drilled her with the Pittsburgh Sunset! Cole nailed Orange with the Panama Sunrise but Orange kicked out of the pin attempt!
Cole and Baker moved the time keeper’s table just outside the ring. Cassidy tried the superman punch on Cole, but Cole ducked. Orange tried to pump the brakes but he accidentally collided with Britt, his momentum sending Britt crashing through the table! An enraged Cole hit a low blow on Orange and then Cole dropped the boom, enough to pin Orange Cassidy!
Alex Marvez was backstage with Inner Circle’s Chris Jericho, Santana and Ortiz!
Jericho: “I don’t care about Eddie Kingston but…”
Ortiz: “Chris, with all due respect, maybe you don’t care about Kingston, but we do.”
Santana: “And something Eddie said last week rang true. Maybe next week we’ll focus more on ourselves and less on you, Chris. Feel me?”
Jericho: “No, I don’t feel you.”
“Things seem to becoming unraveled for the Inner Circle,” said Excalibur.
Next Alex Marvez interviewed Adam Cole backstage!
Cole: Next Wednesday, I propose it’s Adam Cole versus Orange Cassidy in an anything goes, lights out match. It’s about damned time I end your stupid career!”
CM Punk vs. “The Chairman” Shawn Spears!
MJF’s music hit before the match began. MJF joined the commentary team for this match.
Punk charged at Spears and blasted him with the GTS! Punk pinned Spears!
“Punk didn’t even break a sweat and he is primed to put MJF to sleep,” said Excalibur.
MJF, like a snake in the grass, snuck into the ring. Punk turned around just in time. Punk grabbed MJF by the scarf! MJF bailed out once again!
Billy Gunn commandeered a backstage camera.
Christian Cage was walking into the arena. Billy said his boys in The Gunn Club deserved a match against the AEW Tag Team Champions Jurassic Express. Christian Cage told Billy Gunn that his boys need to make a statement, and then they can talk. Austin and Colten ambushed Christian Cage and mugged him, hurling him into the loading dock door!
TNT Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes returned!
Cody pulled a ladder out from beneath the ring and set it up in the middle of the ring.
Cody Rhodes: “What do you guys want to talk about? I’m reminded from that last match about a man who sat on that ramp and gave one of the most important speeches of our life. It was the first hint of a revolution. I am talking about CM Punk and the Pipe Bomb. Somebody told me to save this promo but I’m honestly not sure I’ll get the chance so I’m going to do it now.
“In that interview CM Punk laid out a map and listed things that were taboo. Going to New Japan. Working for Ring Of Honor. Tagging with the Young Bucks. He didn’t do those things but as fate would have it, he would eventually wind up here of what Pro Wrestling Illustrated called the ‘Comeback of the Year.’ But this is the comeback of the decade. We are all living it and loving it!
“But in the absence and void that CM Punk left behind, someone did each and every one of those things. I did them! I held every grain of the revolution in my hands and each and every one of you cheered. You want to ask why I won’t turn heel. It’s because you cheered me when I needed it most.
“People talk about The Forbidden Door. It’s a proper noun. It’s in the vernacular. Check the receipts, check the dates. Before there was a Forbidden Door, I was the one that built it!
“And I am gone for two weeks and I see that the Young Bucks last week in the opening segment almost started the Monday Night Wars all over again. And then my friend Ricky Starks gets into a tiff with Jay Lethal. Word to the wise, you don’t kick out of the Lethal Injection. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
“And Malakai Black, a guy who added to losses to my career, and I hate to lose. And he got help, and if you come to AEW and you call yourself Brody, you’ve got balls. But I’ll let you know in 8 years when that kid shows up.
“I think it’s pretty clear what we do. I know Tony Khan sent a contract to me and Sammy Guevara. Beach Break. Two Titles. Sammy Guevara, what do you say?”
Backstage, Tony Schiavone was with TBS Champion Jade Cargill and Anna Jay!
Schiavone notified us that Anna Jay has accepted Jade Cargill’s open challenge.
Anna Jay: “I wrapped barbed wire around my arm just to win a match. I will do whatever it takes to win a match. Will you?”
The House Of Black—Malakai Black & Brody King vs. Varsity Blonds—Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr. (with Julia Hart)!
Black and Brody used quick tags to storm Griff with an onslaught of offense. Pillman tagged in and was about to go for the springboard dropkick but Pillman questioned his confidence and stepped down.
Brody ran outside the ring and rammed Griff’s head into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Malakai Black and Brody King dismantled Pillman with the double team Dante’s Inferno and then pinned him!
PAC appeared on the big screen! He was wearing a blindfold. “House of Black, I’m going to make a martyr out of you!”
Brandon Cutler was backstage. Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero jumped into frame.
Rocky: “I just got back from Japan and I was feeling nostalgic. I was thinking, we are the guys to beat the Young Bucks. Roppongi Vice reunites for one night this Friday to face the Bucks!
“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Dan Lambert and Jake “The Snake” Roberts) vs. Frankie Kazarian!
Archer clubbed Kaz with a big elbow strike! Kazarian fired back with knee strikes and then a basement dropkick! Archer chopped away at Kaz’s chest!
Archer stepped on Frankie, putting all his weight on him, and laughed. Archer stomped a mudhole into Kaz in the corner. Archer suplexed Kazarian halfway across the ring!
Frankie ducked one lariat but then Archer caught him with a second lariat! Archer sent Kaz sternum-first into the turnbuckles! Archer attempted a chokeslam but Frankie flipped out of it! Kaz used a flying forearm on Lance Archer!
Archer propped Kaz on the top turnbuckle, looking for Black Out! Kaz fought out of it, hammering down on the neck of Archer. Kaz knocked Archer down with a missile dropkick!
Kaz caught Archer on the face with a leg drop off the middle rope. Kaz rammed his knee into Archer’s spine. Archer turned around and choke slammed Kazarian! Archer pulled the ripcord into the hellicoaster!
“Frankie Kazarian in serious trouble here,” said Excalibur.
Archer pinned Frankie after the Black Out!
“Archer has come back motivated with some business plan,” said Jim Ross.
Tony Schiavone interviewed Dan Lambert, saying he didn’t understand this relationship.
Archer: “You don’t need to understand this, Tony. ‘Hangman’ Page isn’t old enough. You are not mentally, physically prepared for this monster.”
Archer: “Enough of this ‘cowboy bulls—t. I’m going to show you what I’m going to do.”
Archer grabbed Kazarian and was about to choke slam him onto a steel chair on the ramp, but AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page came out to answer the challenge!
Page and Archer began blasting one another with live rounds! Hangman rocked Archer with his cowboy boot! Archer blocked the Buckshot Lariat but Hangman knocked Archer over the top rope and out of the ring!
Alex Marvez was backstage with Dante Martin, Matt Sydal, and Lee Moriarty!
Lee Moriarty: “Dante, you’ve watched our backs from Team Taz, and until your brother returns, we’ll do the same for you.”
Tony Schiavone was backstage with Kris Statlander and Red Velvet!
“Legit” Leyla interrupted the interview: “You have become so selfish. You have cost me thousands of dollars. You have cost Red thousands of dollar.”
Red Velvet told Leyla to relax because it was just miscommunication. Leyla attacked Red Velvet and then put Kris in an arm bar submission!
“The Professor” Serena Deeb vs. Skye Blue!
Deeb grabbed a headlock on Blue. She hit Blue with a shoulder tackle. Blue fired back with a forearm! Deeb swept out Blue’s legs and catapulted her throat-first into the bottom rope. Deeb followed up with a swinging neck breaker.
Deeb planted Skye Blue with the Deeb Tox!
“This has been a runaway affair,” said Jim Ross.
Deeb tore Sky Blue in half with the Serenity Lock until Blue tapped out!
“Even after the bell, Deeb holding onto the Serenity Lock to inflict more pain on Skye Blue,” said Excalibur.
Backstage, Dan Lambert was with The Men Of The Year!
“All Ego” Ethan Page challenged Jon Moxley to a match on RAMPAGE this Friday!
Matt Hardy was backstage with the HFO and Andrade El Idolo!
Hardy said he sold 51% of the HFO to Andrade El Idolo. And from this day on, they’ll be known as the AHFO. Hardy said Darby Allin better smarten up and come work for the AHFO!
Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Acclaimed—Max Caster & Anthony Bowens!
The Acclaimed ambushed Sting and Darby before the bell!
Bowens and Caster wrapped a steel chair around Darby’s neck and then rammed him into the steel ring post! Ref Bryce Remsburg called for the doctor to check on Darby!
“I don’t think Darby can continue and he’s looked at Sting and told them he’ll have to take on both men himself,” said Tony Schiavone.
Darby was helped to the back!
Sting took out Anthony Bowens inside the ring while keeping Max Caster isolated on the floor. Sting sent Caster and Bowens into the steel steps!
Sting tried for the Stinger Splash but Bowens removed the turnbuckle pad from the corner! They double suplexed Sting! Bowens rocked Sting in the face by smashing the boom box into him!
Max Caster stood on top of the steel steps but Darby flew out of nowhere and tackled Max! Darby tagged in and nailed The Acclaimed with a Coffin Drop to the outside! Darby hit the Code Red on Caster for a near fall! Darby Coffin Splashed Caster twice! Darby tried for a hanging guillotine on Caster but Caster carried Darby over and tagged Bowens.
After a slam from Bowens, Caster hit the Mic Drop on Darby. Sting broke up the pin attempt! Sting jumped off the ramp and splashed Caster through a table! Bowens ran into the top turnbuckle that he had exposed earlier! Darby found his mark with the Coffin Drop and pinned Bowens!
“What a win! What a comeback win by Darby Allin and Sting,” said Excalibur.
Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, OH featuring:
-TNT Title Unification Match! TNT Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes vs. “Interim TNT Champion” Sammy Guevara in a Ladder Match for the TNT title!
-Adam Cole vs. Orange Cassidy in a Lights Out Match!
-Chris Jericho, Santana and Ortiz vs. Daniel Garcia & 2point0!
Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday at 10/9ct on TNT featuring:
-“All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Jon Moxley!
-The Young Bucks vs. Roppongi Vice!
-Hook vs. Serpentico!
And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!
Article source: allelitewrestling.com
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