AEW Dynamite Results for November 18, 2020

November 19, 2020


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Kicking things off tonight—World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson vs. Top Flight—Darius & Daunte Martin!

This was a non-title match.

Darius and Nick began for their respective teams. Darius got the better of the exchange so Matt tagged in. Daunte took down Matt with a dropkick and Top Flight utilized quick tags to frustrate the Bucks and control the pace of the match early on.

Daunte blocked a superkick from Matt Jackson, but Matt blind tagged Nick. Daunte ate a superkick from Nick Jackson. The Bucks showed off their aggressiveness, as Matt applied a sharpshooter on Daunte and sat down low into it. Matt buckle bombed Darius into his brother Daunte. Nick followed up with a backstabber.

Daunte countered the Meltzer Driver from the Bucks and tagged out to Darius, who connected with hard strikes to Matt Jackson, and then a standing Spanish fly! Top Flight took flight as Darius used a tope suicida and Daunte followed up with a tope con hiro onto the Bucks on the outside!

“Daunte’s got some hops,” said Jim Ross.

Matt speared Daunte, and then the Bucks isolated him. Matt climbed to the top and they hit and assisted sliced bread but Darius made the save! Finally the champs hit the BTE Trigger and Nick pinned Daunte.

“A great debut for Top Flight. They made an excellent showing,” said Jim Ross.

TH2—Jack Evans and Angelico—attacked Top Flight on the outside after the match! The Bucks chased TH2 away and then Nick and Matt congratulated Top Flight on an outstanding debut!

The Inner Circle Slays Vegas!

Clips of the Inner Circle’s escapades from Vegas aired. Konnan made an appearance—boom!—and took the party next level after a smokey ride in a limo.

Up next: “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (with Best Friends—Trent & Chuck Taylor) vs. “SuperBad” Kip Sabian (with fiancé Penelope Ford & “the Best Man” Miro)!

“The Best Man’ Miro joined the commentary team for this match.

Orange Cassidy sent Best Friends to the back before the match began.

There was a swing and a miss by Kip. Orange headed to his pockets but Kip would have none of it and brought Orange down with a side headlock. Orange pushed off and brought down Kip with a headlock. Sabian countered head scissors from Orange by just pancaking him to the mat!

Cassidy nailed Kip with a dropkick and followed up with a tope suicida! Penelope distracted Orange long enough for Kip to take the advantage back in the ring with consecutive dropkicks to Orange. Miro mentioned on commentary that he was teaching Kip how to be more smash-mouth with his in-ring game.

Orange and Kip battled on top of the turnbuckles. Orange knocked Kip down and connected with a diving crossbody. He followed up with a DDT, planting Kip on the crown of his head! Kip kicked out before the three-count! Orange spiked Kip with another diving DDT, but Kip got his shoulders up! Kip nailed Orange with a brainbuster but it wasn’t enough to finish Orange. Kip nearly put away Orange, but Orange cradled Kip with the mousetrap and pinned Kip!

Miro sprinted to the ring and blindsided Orange Cassidy with a lariat!

Best Friends ran to the ring forcing Miro and Kip to retreat!

Next—the Contract Signing for the AEW World Championship Match that’ll take place on the December 2nd episode of DYNAMITE with AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. #1 Contender “The Cleaner” Kenny Omega!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring for the contract signing.

“The Cleaner” received his lavish ring entrance. Omega sat at one end of the table. Moxley was introduced but he didn’t come out. Cameras went to the back and we saw Moxley was knocked out on the ground with a bloody nose. Dr. Sampson was overheard saying he wanted to stabilize Moxley’s neck and get him on a backboard to stretcher him out.

“December 2nd ‘winter is coming’ and I’ll be there too,” said Omega as he signed the contract.

More highlight aired of the Inner Circle in Vegas. They all woke up hungover…except Ortiz.

Jericho joined the commentary team and said the Inner Circle were back and better than ever. And next week it’ll be Jericho and Jake Hager against SCU!

“The Bastard” PAC vs. The Blade (with The Butcher & The Bunny)!

Eddie Kingston joined the commentary team for this match.

PAC wasted no time with a shotgun dropkick on Blade! He stomped Blade in the corner. PAC rammed Blade into the steel barricades on the outside of the ring. PAC hit another shotgun dropkick, this time off the top rope! PAC went to the outside to turn his attention to Butcher. Blade blindsided PAC. Blade picked up PAC and dropped him over the ropes, attempting to knock the wind out of him!

PAC countered Blade with a DDT and then punted him in the face! PAC ran to the ropes but Bunny grabbed his ankle from the outside. Butcher tackled PAC from behind. Back in the ring, Blade planted PAC with a doctor bomb for a near fall!

Blade tried to bully PAC. They traded strikes and PAC followed up with a pump kick and then a thrust kick! Blade countered with a powerslam for a near fall. PAC met Blade on the top turnbuckle—PAC superplexed Blade! PAC tried for the black arrow but Butcher and Bunny distracted PAC. Finally after disposing of Butcher and Blade, PAC hit a shooting star press and transitioned into the brutalizer. PAC forced the Blade to tap out!

“Outstanding matchup that could have gone either way, but tonight was PAC’s night,” said Jim Ross.

PAC grabbed a microphone: “Eddie Kingston—you say you like to fight—”

As PAC was staring at Kingston making his statement, the Butcher assaulted PAC from behind! Kingston mocked PAC in the ring as Butcher and the Blade held PAC down. Rey Fenix ran down to the ring to help PAC! Eventually they outnumbered Rey Fenix. Then Penta El Zero M walked down the ramp with a steel chair and chased off Kingston and the Butcher and the Blade!

The Death Triangle are back!

Triangulo De La Muerte!

Backstage, we saw Jade Cargill as she stomped Brandi Rhodes’ arm in a steel chair! Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero were running interference for Jade on Brandi.

NWA Women’s World Champion Serena Deeb vs. former champ Thunder Rosa!

They locked up with a collar and elbow tie up. Deeb used a standing switch but was taken down by Thunder Rosa. Deeb countered Thunder Rosa’s armbar and took her down for a near fall.

“Nice chain wrestling,” said Jim Ross.

“This is great wrestling, guys,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Deeb connected with a European uppercut on Rosa. The challenger scooped up Deeb and drove her down with a scoop slam. Rosa used a drop toe hold on Deeb, but Deeb retaliated with a dragon screw leglock.

Thunder Rosa regained momentum after a powerful dropkick and then a modified suplex to Deeb. Thunder Rosa went to ram Deeb with her shoulder but Deep countered with a neck breaker! She speared Thunder Rosa on the apron for a near fall!

Thunder Rosa muscled Deeb over the top with a German suplex! She followed with a missile dropkick off the top!

From the ringside area, Reba appeared and distracted the referee while Dr. Britt Baker DDT’ed Thunder Rosa on the ramp! The ref and Deeb were unaware of the assault. Deeb powerbombed Thunder Rosa but Thunder Rosa kicked out at two! Thunder Rosa rolled up Deeb but Deeb countered with a submission. Rosa escaped and stomped Deeb’s midsection! Deeb captured Thunder Rosa’s arms and planted her after numerous counters! Deeb finally pinned Thunder Rosa!

Dr. Britt Baker was back sitting ringside. Thunder Rosa spotted her and charged her. Rosa pummeled her with shots after the match! They brawled until AEW officials were able to pry them off one another.

John Silver and Anna Jay of The Dark Order were backstage.

Silver said Mr. Brodie was so impressed with Jay’s win streak since joining the Dark Order that “the Exalted One” demanded Tony Khan grant Anna Jay a shot at Shida’s gold next week. It was announced that Tony Khan signed the match.

Time for the main event!

TNT Champion Darby Allin & “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (with Arn Anderson) vs. Team Taz—FTW Champ “The Machine” Brian Cage” & “Absolute” Ricky Starks (accompanied by Taz)!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

Cody was wearing a shirt to the ring that took a swipe at Shaq.

Darby and Starks chain wrestled to begin the match. Darby kept Starks off balance with a hammerlock. Cage and Cody both tagged in. Cody slugged Cage but Cage hip tossed Cody into a backbreaker! Cody hit a dropkick on Cage! Cody connected with a moonsault on Cage. Taz left the broadcast booth and went down to the ring to have a conference with his team.

Cody ran to the ropes but Taz grabbed Cody’s ankle. Arn Anderson was outraged and threw a chair into the ring. The referee ejected Double A from the ringside area!

Cage pulled Cody to the corner and tagged Starks. “Absolute” Ricky Starks dropped his boot on Cody’s arm.

“There’s no limit on how good Starks can be,” said Jim Ross.

Darby tagged in and cleaned house! Darby jackknifed Starks for a two-count. Cage got in the ring and suplexed Darby, who was holding onto Starks. Cody went after Taz but Starks speared Cody! Cage went for a powerbomb on Darby but Darby countered with the Yoshi Tonic! Cody caught Starks with CrossRhodes! Brian Cage came in and decimated Cody with a clothesline! Cage hoisted Darby to the top rope and finished Darby with an avalanche drill claw!

“Darby is all heart and he’s relentless and he’s the TNT champ but how do you withstand something like that,” said Excalibur.

Team Taz put the boots to Cody and Darby. The ref kept calling for the bell. Will Hobbs rushed to the ring with a steel chair. Team Taz quickly ran out of the ring. Hobbs picked up the FTW Title that Cage had dropped in the ring. Hobbs lifted the belt and smiled and then smacked Cody in the head with it!

“Will Hobbs has joined Team Taz!” said Tony Schiavone.

“This is bedlam!” replied Jim Ross.

Be sure to join us next Wednesday for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT!

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