Akira Tozawa def. Mike Kanellis

April 3, 2019


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Despite Mike Kanellis earning a victory against Akira Tozawa thanks to an assist from his wife Maria, WWE 205 Live General Manager was far from impressed and made a rematch between the two Cruiserweights. However, in an effort the even the odds and counter Maria’s influence, Tozawa would have his friend and mentor The Brian Kendrick in his corner.

Kanellis took control in the early goings with three masterful suplexes, and he countered Tozawa’s attempt at a head scissors takedown into a brutal powerbomb.

With the WWE Universe chanting for Tozawa, he charged forward but was caught in a huge spinebuster. After Tozawa locked Kanellis in the octopus stretch, The Opportunist dumped himself and his opponent over the ropes to the outside in a desperate attempt to break the hold.

The gamble paid off after an exchange on the outside, as Kanellis hoisted Tozawa on the barricade and delivered a crushing neckbreaker. After pushing his opponent back in the ring, Kanellis leveled Kendrick with a right hook. Back inside the ring, Kanellis and Tozawa battled on the top rope, and The Stamina Monster countered a potentially devastating maneuver with a hurricanrana.

After countering a strike from Kanellis, Tozawa attempted a pin but was reversed by The Opportunist, who reached for his wife to give him leverage on the pinfall. However, The Brian Kendrick entered the ring, causing the official to break the count and allowing The Stamina Monster to reverse the pinfall for the win.
Article source: WWE.com

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