Aleister Black returned to interrupt the rematch between Nikki Cross and Bianca Belair

October 18, 2018
Aleister Black makes shocking return during Nikki Cross vs. Bianca Belair: WWE NXT, Oct. 17, 2018

Appearing for the first time since being ambushed in August, The Dutch Destroyer returns to NXT in search of answers from Nikki Cross. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

Before going any further: Bianca Belair remains un-de-feat-ed, and Nikki Cross is still un-pre-dict-able. That said, all limits were shredded and thrown to the wind once these two stepped into the squared circle. Picking up from the chaos left after their last brawl, Cross bolted into Belair with a crossbody, and from there, they pummeled each other with strikes and tussled until they fell out of the ring. When they decided to step back inside, it was one hard-hitting maneuver after another.

The tenacious Belair clocked Cross right in the face with an elbow and later executed a vicious Belair Bomb, but that only fueled the ever-resilient Cross. Belair picked up Cross for a deadlift gorilla press, but the attempt was thwarted by a reverse DDT. After failing to land a pinfall, Cross battered Belair with a top-rope superplex. Yet, just when it appeared the end was in sight, the entire arena went pitch black. When the lights finally came back on, there sat Aleister Black in his signature cross-legged pose, The Dutch Destroyer’s first appearance since being attacked months ago.

As the entire Full Sail Live erupted in shock, Black pointed at Cross. NXT’s Twisted Sister, who claims to know the identity of Black’s assailant(s), crawled to him and whispered in his ear a message that left The Dutch Destroyer visibly enraged. Now that Black is back in NXT, how long will it take for the truth to be uncovered in his infamous parking lot attack?

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