AOP and Seth Rollins attacked Kevin Owens

December 10, 2019

It took a long time, but Kevin Owens found exactly what he was looking for: AOP … and Seth Rollins with them. Yes, The Beastslayer seems to be well and truly in cahoots with the former Raw Tag Team Champions, joining them in a parking lot ambush of the former Universal Champion. Akam & Rezar flung the door of their van into KO’s head and Rollins Stomped his newfound nemesis into the cement before The Beastslayer took the Raw stage to turn his ire to the WWE Universe, whom he said drove him to make the decision.

Clearly at the end of his rope, Rollins demanded to know what he’d done wrong and what about his efforts over the past year wasn’t enough for the audience. He also revealed that he hadn’t been allied with AOP at the start of all this, but the crowd’s prevailing negativity in the face of his sacrifices — battling through injuries, defending WWE in the media, bringing the Universal Title to Raw — had “turned fiction into fact” and led to a true alliance between the three. And with Owens strapped to a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance, there’s little doubt as to what might come next for Rollins’ enemies in this next chapter.

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