Ariya Daivari def. Noam Dar

May 7, 2019
Ariya Daivari def. Noam Dar

Before challenging WWE Cruiserweight Champion Tony Nese at WWE Money in the Bank, Ariya Daivari looked to continue his winning ways against Noam Dar. The Scottish Supernova was making his return to action following an injury scare in a match against Mark Andrews last month on WWE NXT UK. However, before the match got under way, The Premier Athlete made his way to the ring to join the announce team.

Early in the contest, Daivari countered Noam Dar’s technical acumen with pure aggression, but The Scottish Supernova stayed on his toes and changed his approach to keep his opponent on defense. After being dropped to the outside, Daivari exchanged words with Nese before countering an advance from Dar, driving him face-first into the table. That allowed The Persian Lion to take a more methodical approach to dismantling Dar, who was attempting to give Nese a preview of what to expect at WWE Money in the Bank.

Daivari maintained control of the contest until he once again shifted his attention to Nese outside the ring. That allowed The Scottish Supernova to feed off the energy of the WWE Universe and unleash an offensive that nearly secured victory following a perfectly executed Northern Lights Suplex. Despite missing his patented NovaRolla, Dar maintained pressure on his opponent, catching Daivari in an ankle lock on two occasions.

Daivari broke the hold, however, and leveled Dar with a superkick before following up with a Lion Splash and Hammerlock Lariat to score the victory.

After the match, Nese entered the ring and confronted Daivari, letting his challenger know he could have taken him out – much like The Persian Lion had told the champion last week.

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