To start the series finale of MLW Azteca (presented by www.newlawoffice.com) Alex Hammerstone is coaching Richard Holliday in the ways of “post rays” until Holliday reveals that he wants to get in shape for Valentine’s Day. That causes Hammer pause and knows Rich is up to something, especially when he gets a call from his AirPods (for the record, Richard denies that it was Alicia Atout).
EJ Nduka vs. Adrian Quest
Adrian hits a shotgun dropkick and fires away at EJ. This seems promising for a bit, but EJ catches Adrian in the corner for some shoulder charges. Nduka then hits several release suplexes.
Adian goes for a springboard attempt, but Nduka catches him to hit a harsh spinning spinebuster. Nduka snake eyes Quest and spins him silly with a diving shoulder tackle.

Quest gihts on to hit a headscissors, but trouble comes for a top rope attempt. Nduka catches Quest once more and hits a runing powerslam! 1-2-3!

We see Hammerstone two hours north of the border in Beverly Hills. He’s indeed doing some Valentine’s Day shopping for “someone special.” He’s interrupted by a fan for a photo and that causes him to change course on what seems like an alternate mission.

In some unfortunate news, it was revealed by Dr. Nelson Swegler that the Von Erichs have been placed on the medical reserve list rendering them out of their big Tag Title shot in Dallas. A twist of fortune for the Champions however as 5150 secured some other straps in the IWA Puerto Rico Tag Team Championships.
As we get ready for the next match, the feed cuts to Mads Krugger. CONTRA gave Mads purpose and a name. Until it was Fatu who betrayed the Unit. He took his purpose, now his purpose is Fatu.
Mecha Wolf vs. Extreme Tigre
Bell sounds and Mecha Wolf offers a handshake in which Tigre takes. The pace starts off methodical between the two until the fight goes to the outside. Mecha Wolf makes that an exclamation point by cross body diving onto Tigre in the crowd.

The lucha action does get back in the ring as Tigre gets the offense kicking. Mecha Wolf makes an attempt to shift momentum with a high risk tope suicide but connects not just with Tigre and the barricade!
The risk ultimately did pay off as it was Mecha who popped Tigre up for a punt to the spine and for the well fought 1-2-3.
WINNER: Mecha Wolf

Post-match, Mecha shows Tigre a sign of respect by helping Tigre to his feet.
It was revealed earlier in the day that the legendary Ricky Steamboat will be on hand for Super Fight in Charlotte!

We see Los Parks. They congratulate 5150 on their IWA Tag Title win, but LA Park makes it clear “la familia” wants their rematch!

It’s part two of Jacob Fatu breaking his silence.He talks about being humbled and his first two weeks of training showed him that. It made him realize how much his family worked in wrestling and how much wrestling means to him. He came to know that you can’t have one foot in wrestling and the other still on the streets.

Now it’s main event time.
Alex Kane, Villano III Jr & Rey Horus Jr. vs. Vikingo, Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr.
This by all means was a competitive contest as Vikingo, Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr. all showed up to fight in trios action, but the other team suffered from one problem: Alex Kane. Kane made it clear he wasn’t a fan of the lucha libre style and when Villano III Jr & Rey Horus tried to work with Kane, The Suplex Assasin proved to be difficult.

Kane took plenty of opportunities to showcase his strength and power, but when it came to co-habitation with his partners, it was almost none existent. After hitting a triple corner lariat on Vikingo, Villano & Horus wanted Kane to throw Vikingo for a double team manuever, but Kane tossed Viking out of the ring instead. Kane was soon to follow on his own accord as he abandoned his team and left the ring with Mr. Thomas!
Kane will use the excuse that he isn’t a fan of the lucha libre style, but he made his exit after being taken to school by his opponents.
Despite being one man down, Villano and Rey Horus continued to fight valiantly, but Vikingo provided to be too much for Villano. It took the latter four devasting moves to put Villano down, but an inverted 450 splash is what did the generational talent in.
WINNER: Vikingo, Laredo Kid & Octagon Jr.

Post-fight all men (with the obvious omission from Kane) showed sign of respect to one another.
Suddenly we cut out to the parking lot as wee see Alicia outside when an SUV pulls up and dumps Richard Holliday to the pavement! Holliday comes with a note: “Hammerstone vs. Pagano” and “Holliday vs. Muertes”

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