Bobby Lashley def. The Miz; Shane McMahon attacked Miz after the match

April 29, 2019
Bobby Lashley def. The Miz; Shane McMahon attacked Miz after the match

Bobby Lashley: Underachiever? That was the thesis The Miz presented during “Miz TV’s” Raw return, but The A-Lister ended up eating his words when he fell victim to The All Mighty in a match that stemmed from Lashley’s insults of Miz’s father… though he had a crucial assist from an old rival who does not seem to be moving on from Miz anytime soon.

That would, of course, be Shane McMahon, wo made his presence known right as Miz began to roll against Lashley — who, it must be noted, is now referring to himself in the third person. As The Prodigal Son inched closer and closer to the ring, Miz found himself forced to play both defense and offense, though Shane finally got Miz’s attention by pulling up an unflattering picture of Mr. Miz on the TitanTron. Lashley capitalized, plowing Miz with a Spear for the win, and Shane did the rest, raining blows on The A-Lister and trapping him in a triangle until he went to sleep.
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