Bobby Roode & Chad Gable def. The Ascension

September 4, 2018
Chad Gable & Bobby Roode vs. The Ascension: Raw, Sept. 3, 2018

Chad Gable forms a new team with The Glorious One to take on The Ascension in their first match together.

In their first stint as a tag team, Bobby Roode & Chad Gable didn’t just defeat an established tandem in The Ascension; the match served as a coming-out party of sorts for Gable, an under-the-radar Superstar who made his mark in the most emphatic fashion possible.

Good thing, too. Given that the world-traveled Roode, as a former United States and NXT Champion, was ostensibly the mentor of the newly-formed team (Gable even made it a point to tell Charly Caruso he sought out The Glorious One as a partner in a pre-match interview), Konnor & Viktor focused the entirety of their game plan on him, mercilessly subjecting him to a two-on-one mugging. Every time Gable was in the ring, on the other hand, it seemed like someone was getting suplexed. Given that they seemingly had Roode scouted better, The Ascension fully committed themselves to a game of keep away and isolated The Glorious One.

They were so focused, in fact, that Viktor missed Gable tagging in at the moment of truth, and they paid dearly for that oversight. The former SmackDown Tag Team Champion bounced across the ring at top speed, taking Konnor out at ringside with a cannonball off the apron before planting Viktor with a rolling German suplex that lit Roode’s eyes up like Christmas morning. This team may have started due to some hero worship from Gable. But now, it would appear, the admiration is mutual.

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