Braun Strowman confronted Universal Champion Seth Rollins

September 23, 2019
Braun Strowman confronted Universal Champion Seth Rollins

SAN FRANCISCO — It’s not a great time to be Seth Rollins right now. Sure, The Beastslayer still has the Universal Championship, but he got beat up by five men last week, will face the winner of a Fatal 5-Way Elimination Match on the season premiere of Raw next week, has to deal with the “the living embodiment of a nightmare” the week after that, and, to top everything off, Braun Strowman got in his face this week in a confrontation stemming out of the pair’s lingering beef from Clash of Champions.

Clearly, The Monster Among Men isn’t quite over going 0 for 2 with and against Rollins at the most recent pay-per-view, but Rollins was in no mood for Strowman’s grudges. The champion got his back up mighty quickly when Strowman tried to spin Rollins’ words from last week as a passive-aggressive dig, and the long and short of the confrontation was that the two agreed to a match later in the evening. All of which could give Strowman a chance to get some much-needed frustration off of his broad chest, and for Rollins to put his mantra — “I survive and I prevail” — to a formidable test.
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