Bray Wyatt invites 24/7 Champion R-Truth to hide out in the “Firefly Fun House”

June 7, 2019

Since he first won the 24/7 Championship, R-Truth has been a man on the run. Whether he’s on the golf course, under the ring, on an airport tarmac or 39,000 feet above the Red Sea, Truth has been forced to dodge a hungry horde of Superstars out to claim the one title in WWE that can be defended anywhere, anytime, as long as a referee is present.

The beleaguered champion, however, has found an apparent ally within the walls of the “Firefly Fun House.”

In a tweet Thursday afternoon, Bray Wyatt – fresh off teaching us all the “Muscle Man Dance” on Monday Night Raw – offered Truth safe haven in his “special place” alongside Huskus the Pig Boy, Abby the Witch, Ramblin’ Rabbit, Mercy the Buzzard and the rest of the “Firefly Fun House” crew.

“Hey buddy!” the exuberant Wyatt tweeted to Truth. “If you ever need a place to lay low for a bit, you’re always welcome here!!”

Truth, channeling The Rock’s buddy and frequent co-star Kevin Hart, responded how most of us would in this situation: With baffled silence. Yowie wowie, indeed.

Hey, maybe hiding out in the “Firefly Fun House” wouldn’t be the worst way for Truth to cling to the 24/7 Championship. After all, what’s the worst that could happen?

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