Breezango defend the NXT Tag Team Championship against Imperium

September 15, 2020

Breezango defend the NXT Tag Team Championship against Imperium
Breezango defend the NXT Tag Team Championship against Imperium<!–

Breezango’s five-year journey as a team finally led to championship gold last month when they shocked Imperium. But can lightning strike twice for Tyler Breeze & Fandango when they put the NXT Tag Team Championship on the line against the former titleholders?

Breeze & Fandango pulled off the stunner to complete their long road to a title victory. But it wasn’t enough to win Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner’s respect. Imperium still see NXT’s most fashionable duo as a disgrace to everything they stand for, and they’ve vowed to make Breezango’s NXT Tag Team Title reign the shortest in history.

Will Breeze & Fandango find a way to prevail, or will it once again be The Age of Imperium on the black-and-gold brand?

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