Buddy Murphy def. Gran Metalik

September 12, 2018
Gran Metalik vs. Buddy Murphy: WWE 205 Live, Sept. 11, 2018

In the latest chapter of The Lucha House Party’s epic rivalry with Tony Nese & Buddy Murphy, The Juggernaut takes on The King of the Ropes in a thrilling singles clash.

Last week on WWE 205 Live, The Lucha House Party continued to slug it out with Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese when Gran Metalik picked up a victory against The Premier Athlete. However, with a WWE Cruiserweight Championship opportunity on the horizon at WWE Super Show-Down in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia, Buddy Murphy is aiming to silence Gran Metalik and send a Cedric Alexander a message.

Murphy used his size and speed to gain an early advantage in his first-time-ever meeting with Gran Metalik, but Metalik countered and drove the match to an early stalemate.

Taking control of the contest, Murphy executed precision power strikes and holds to keep Metalik on defense. Failing to break free of Murphy’s grip, The King of the Ropes found himself on the receiving end of a flurry of strikes that was meant to culminate in a superplex. However, Metalik battled back and took Murphy down with a sunset powerbomb off the top rope.

As The Juggernaut recovered, Metalik showed patience, waiting for the right moment to strike. Unloading a series of fast-paced and high-impact maneuvers, Metalik nearly secured victory. Remaining in control, The King of the Ropes executed a sunset flip and prepared to go for another. However, Murphy recovered and knocked his opponent off the top rope. With momentum swinging in his favor, Murphy countered a high-risk move and executed two powerbombs for a nail-biting near fall.

Trading blows in the center of the ring, the two Superstars battled back and forth before Metalik nearly secured victory with his patented Metalik Driver. As they both returned to their feet, The King of the Ropes flipped to avoid a strike from Murphy but landed awkwardly on his knee. As the official checked on Metalik, Murphy continued to attack. Taking down his opponent with a running knee, The Juggernaut wasted no time executed Murphy’s Law for the win.

Following the contest, Murphy addressed the WWE Universe – and specifically WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander. Reminding everyone he is the fastest and strongest Cruiserweight, he stated his clear intentions to claim the title in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia.

Article source: WWE.com

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