Buddy Murphy def. Mark Andrews

November 8, 2018
Buddy Murphy vs. Mark Andrews: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 7, 2018

Less than two weeks before making his first title defense against Mustafa Ali at Survivor Series, WWE Cruiserweight Champion battles NXT UK’s Mark Andrews in his first match since winning the title.

In his first match since winning the WWE Cruiserweight Championship, Buddy Murphy wanted to make a bold statement in Manchester, England and requested a match against one of NXT UK’s brightest stars – and no stranger to WWE 205 Live – Mark Andrews. The Juggernaut of WWE 205 Live was also hoping to send a message before his impending title defense against Mustafa Ali at Survivor Series.

Well aware of Andrews’ blinding speed and other-worldly agility, Murphy looked to overpower his opponent, carefully picking the right angle to launch an attack. The Superstars battled to a stalemate until Murphy asserted his power, tossing Andrews into the corner before driving him out of the ring.

Driving Andrews face-first into the corner, Murphy began to methodically stalk his prey, executing precision strikes and tossing Andrews around the ring. Targeting Andrews’ arm, shoulder and neck, Murphy had the match well in hand until Andrews countered with a jaw-breaker and followed up with a reverse hurricanrana that sent the champion to the outside.

The relentless Andrews dove through the ropes, knocking Murphy over the announce table. Far from finished, Andrews continued to attack, sending The Juggernaut reeling around the ring. Murphy tried to fight back with Murphy’s Law, but he was again countered.

Murphy finally got back in the fight by overpowering Andrews and executing a huge powerbomb for a near-fall, but Andrews immediately answered with his Stundog Millionaire, giving the Welsh Superstar the opening he needed to ascend the ropes and look to hit a Shooting Star Press. As Andrews took flight, Murphy narrowly got his knees up before dropping Andrews with a ring-rattling Murphy’s Law for the win.

Article source: WWE.com

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