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September 24, 2019
<a href="" data-nid="40066555" data-tracking-label="Oney Lorcan vs. Tony Nese: WWE 205 Live, Sept. 17, 2019" class="wwe-display-duration js-video-inline–btn js-track js-video–btn node-type-video video-play-large" data-duration="02:51" data-video="{"sponsors":"","numSponsors":false,"title":"Related Videos","playlist":[{"image":"\/f\/styles\/wwe_16_9_s\/public\/2019\/09\/20190917_205Live_Seg_3–bfaf2cbbb7589c69aef3cfd2906d104c.jpg","image_uri":"public:\/\/\/2019\/09\/20190917_205Live_Seg_3–bfaf2cbbb7589c69aef3cfd2906d104c.jpg","file":"\/\/\/vod\/2019\/,1080,720,540,432,360,288,\/dchi205live147_03_ntwk.m3u8","fid":"40387886","title":"Oney Lorcan vs. Tony Nese: WWE 205 Live, Sept. 17, 2019","nid":40066555,"vms_id":179214,"description":"After Tony Nese sidelined him a few weeks ago, Oney Lorcan returns to get even with The Premier Athlete, but WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak has other machinations in order.","wwe_network":false,"link_url":"\/wwenetwork","ads_disabled":0,"numSponsors":false,"path":"\/videos\/oney-lorcan-vs-tony-nese-wwe-205-live-sept-17-2019","abs_path":"https:\/\/\/videos\/oney-lorcan-vs-tony-nese-wwe-205-live-sept-17-2019","network_logged_in_cta":"","show_name":"WWE 205 Live","episode_name":"","countries":[],"country_logic":"","mediaid":"7rnYiI6R","tracks":[{"label":"English","file":"https:\/\/\/hd_video1\/wwe\/2019\/dchi205live147_03_ntwk\/dchi205live147_03_ntwk_cc_en.vtt","kind":"captions"}],"playlist_offset":0,"playlist_nid":0,"backfilled":false,"parent_playlist_nid":0,"playlist_title":"Related Videos","playlist_short_headline":"Related Videos","video_offset":0,"picture":"\n<!–[if IE 9]>

Last week on WWE 205 Live, Tony Nese capitalized on an assist from WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak to pick up a victory against Oney Lorcan. The Boston Brawler was building significant momentum during the hard-fought battle, but Lorcan’s onslaught was derailed by Gulak, who grabbed his leg and gave Nese the opening to roll up Oney for the win.

From that moment, the rage-fueled Bostonian has been dead-set on getting retribution against Gulak. Lorcan took to Twitter – as only he can – and announced that because Nese needed his friend to beat Lorcan last week, The Boston Brawler was bringing his friend to help him take care of Nese and Gulak – his tag team partner Danny Burch! Despite Lorcan’s loss to Lio Rush on WWE NXT, which saw The Man of the Hour become the No. 1 Contender to the WWE Cruiserweight Championship, Lorcan remains focused on a fight with Gulak.

Don’t miss the most exciting hour of television, WWE 205 Live, tonight at 10/9 C, streaming live on the award-winning WWE Network.

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