Cedric Alexander def. TJP

September 5, 2018
Cedric Alexander vs.TJP: WWE 205 Live, Sept. 4, 2018

After calling out Drew Gulak, WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander is confronted by TJP, prompting General Manager Drake Maverick to make an impromptu non-title match, though Drew Gulak has plans of his own.

After stepping into the ring, WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander immediately called out Drew Gulak. However, the submission specialist was nowhere to be found. Instead, inaugural WWE Cruiserweight Champion TJP made his way to the ring. TJP again made his intentions clear that he wanted a title opportunity. Never one to back down from a challenge, Alexander welcomed him into the ring, ready for a fight. This prompted WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick to announce that they would battle in a non-title match immediately.

TJP started the contest by attempting to apply his technical ability, but the champion’s speed and power proved to be too much, and he took down The Cruisergreat on the outside of the ring. The Soul of WWE 205 Live unleashed on his opponent with ferocity, clearing letting out his frustrations about Gulak.

Despite continuing a powerful offense, The Soul of WWE 205 Live began to favor his left arm, and TJP focused his attack on the weak spot, applying as much pressure to the champion’s arm as possible.

Despite TJP’s flurry of momentum, Alexander battled back, proving that he is one of the most resilient Superstars in WWE. With immense pain shooting through his wounded arm, the champion fended off TJP with kicks and elbow strikes, nearly scoring a victory with an innovative gut buster. Unable to execute his patented Lumbar Check, he scored another near-fall before once again finding himself in a submission that TJP expertly reversed into the Kneebar.

Barely reaching the ropes, Alexander staved off defeat, but TJP answered with taunts that only enraged the champion, and they exchanged blows in the center of the ring. Attempting his Detonation Kick, TJP was countered and found himself on the receiving end of a wicked Lumbar Check, giving Alexander the win.

After Alexander’s victory, Gulak made his way to the ring, accepting Alexander’s challenge for a fight. As The Philadelphia Stretcher reached ringside, Gentleman Jack Gallagher struck from behind. Although Alexander disposed of Gallagher, Gulak charged into the ring, leveling the champion and applying the Gulock. Drake Maverick rushed to the squared circle to chase off Gulak and Gallagher, but it was clear the damage had been done.

Article source: WWE.com

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