Earlier today, Ariya Daivari posted on Twitter that he’s ready to take on any of the new faces making their way to WWE 205 Live, especially following his loss in last week’s Triple Threat Match.
We have new faces coming to #205Live. I couldn’t care less who they are and what brand they come from. After last weeks loss in the triple threat, I’m ready to fight anyone. #DaivariDinero pic.twitter.com/KFFRn7hMeN
— Daivari Dinero (@AriyaDaivariWWE) October 25, 2019
Looking to make an impact on his first night as an official member of the WWE 205 Live roster, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott quote-tweeted Daivari to make it known he’d answer the challenge. As a result, Daivari and Scott will face off tonight!
I’ll happily take that invite.
KANSAS CITY is now officially #whosehouse #Swerveshouse https://t.co/yr57JSKvFW— Isaiah Swerve Scott (@swerveconfident) October 25, 2019
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Article source: WWE.com
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