Though victory eluded Mia Yim when she finally got the chance to go head-to-head with Dakota Kai, she found another way to leave her mark.
The Captain of Team Kick won the rivals’ first one-on-one bout by nefarious means, but she didn’t leave without feeling The Head Baddie in Charge’s wrath.
Finally able to unleash the rage that had been pent up since Kai’s heinous, clandestine attack on her last month at TakeOver: WarGames, Yim shellshocked her opponent in the early goings. But Kai responded with a seemingly newfound grit to complement her recently revealed aggression, kicking out of Yim’s Code Blue attempt.
Kai used sinister shrewdness to pull out the victory, exposing the turnbuckle and smashing Yim face-first into the steel after distracting the referee with an attempt to use the knee brace of Tegan Nox — which she still totes around triumphantly.
Yim wasn’t ready to merely walk away in defeat, however. She pursued Kai almost immediately after the bell, eventually brawling through the Full Sail crowd. The Head Baddie in Charge secured her proverbial pound of flesh by bringing Kai atop a platform and sending her crashing through a table below with a devastating back suplex.
Article source: WWE.com
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