Dexter Lumis def. Cameron Grimes (Strap Match)

December 7, 2020

Before the bell in his Strap Match against Dexter Lumis, Cameron Grimes presented his own strap. And when the official turned to place it on Lumis, Grimes unleashed a vicious pre-match assault on his opponent both inside and outside the ring as he tore at Lumis’ face and body with the strap. Nevertheless, Lumis battled back and attached himself to the strap to start the match.

Although Grimes took the action outside the ring, Lumis came along for the ride and turned the entire ringside area into a destructive weapon. Grimes soon hurled his adversary over the barricade to get a breather, but like something out of a horror movie, Lumis kept coming at him. 

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Grimes gained the advantage at ringside and, after placing a bag over his opponent’s head, used the original match strap to punish his foe relentlessly. Nevertheless, Lumis’ sixth sense kicked in, and the still blind Superstar roared back with a spinebuster. 

Grimes regained control by bashing Lumis into the WarGames support structure, but Lumis soon answered by using the strap to pull Grimes clear off the apron. 

Back in the ring, Lumis whipped his opponent senseless, though Grimes roared back with a thunderous German suplex into the upper turnbuckle and wasted little time attacking his opponent with a brutal steel chair assault.

Out of a wild brawl, Lumis tied up Grimes’ legs and pulled him off his feet to drop him face-first into the chair before locking his opponent in Silence to force him to tap out.  

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