Dolph Ziggler brawled with Xavier Woods and addressed WWE Champion Kofi Kingston

May 27, 2019
Dolph Ziggler brawled with Xavier Woods and addressed WWE Champion Kofi Kingston

Should Dolph Ziggler be WWE Champion? The question is not a new one, though The Showoff’s recent tactics seem to suggest he’s done asking: Hot on the heels of a second straight ambush of Kofi Kingston, whom The Showoff regards as having stolen a WrestleMania moment that should have been his, Ziggler made an example of Xavier Woods, who came to Kofi’s aid and was rewarded with a beatdown throughout the arena floor. Kofi saved his brother from a steel chair head-vice at the last second, but Ziggler re-emerged atop the ramp for another fire-spitting missive.

His face mangled from the physicality with Woods, Ziggler chided Kingston for worrying more about Brock Lesnar than himself, insisted Kofi celebrate as best he can for the next 11 days, and reiterated that as good as Kingston is for the WWE Championship, he believes it still should have been him. At Super ShowDown, Ziggler insisted, it will be him, and the fans who look up to Kofi Kingston will be left with nowhere to turn. Whether hypothetical WWE Champion Dolph Ziggler will be loved as he predicted is yet to be seen, as is whether he’ll win the title at all. But even if his strategy isn’t earning him the respect he craves, it is commanding attention. And that’s a start.
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