Drew Gulak def. Isaiah “Swerve” Scott

July 24, 2019


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Still waiting for his next challenger, WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak found himself faced with someone from his past – NXT Superstar Isaiah “Swerve” Scott. However, Gulak remained unfazed by his opponent, revealing that not only did he train Scott, but he’s ready to continue the lesson in the second and final 205 Live vs. NXT match of the evening.

Scott landed the first big blow of the fight when he launched himself over the top rope and drilled the Cruiserweight Champion with a splash.

“Swerve” impressively remained in control, nearly securing victory with a clobbering right hook that left Gulak dazed and confused. Potentially doing as much damage to his hand as he did to Gulak’s jaw, Scott favored his right hand as he dished out an impressive flurry of offense, though Gulak fired back with aggressive strikes, driving his opponent out of the ring.

Clearly fed up, Gulak grabbed his opponent and tossed him into the barricade before launching Scott into the ring post. Taking the battle back inside the squared circle, The Philadelphia Stretcher focused on his opponent’s right hand, showing off his unique technical abilities and even leveling Scott with a clothesline off the top rope.

Scott countered a potentially devastating move with a jawbreaker and increased the pressure on the Cruiserweight Champion. Blocking out the pain in his right hand and feeding off the energy of the WWE Universe, “Swerve” nearly secured victory when he went airborne to drill the titleholder with a kick.

After somehow escaping Gulak’s dragon sleeper, Scott delivered a crushing stomp, dropping Gulak from the ring apron to the floor before annihilating him with a second stomp back inside the ring from the top rope that nearly won the match.

“Swerve” trapped his opponent in an armbar, leaving Gulak desperate to break the hold. Grabbing his opponent’s injured arm, the Cruiserweight Champion escaped, and both Superstars traded blows in the center of the ring.

Unfortunately for Scott, Gulak took control and executed his patented Cyclone Clash to pick up a hard-fought and impressive victory.
Article source: WWE.com

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