Forgotten Sons def. Humberto Carrillo, Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

May 1, 2019


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ORLANDO, Fla. – Nothing binds a group quite like a common enemy.

After several tumultuous encounters with The Forgotten Sons in recent weeks, Humberto Carrillo, Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch funneled all their frustration against the treacherous trio in a high-octane Six-Man Tag Team Match. Lorcan swung the pendulum of bedlam out of the gate, forcing Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake to the outside with one heavy-handed strike after another. Burch and Carrillo also followed suit with punch-and-kick combos and a few aerial surprises, and Carrillo’s incredible springboard arm drag sent Cutler flying out of the ring. Yet, the temper of Jaxson Ryker would see no bounds.

After Burch cinched Cutler with a crossface submission, The Forgotten Sons’ walking powerhouse clobbered the British brawler with an avalanche of punches, only to be intercepted by Carrillo’s missile dropkick off the top rope. Ryker returned the favor shortly after, pushing Blake out of Carrillo’s way as he dove through the ropes, causing Carrillo to inadvertently crash into Lorcan. The shrewd diversion left Burch exposed to an all-out assault by the ruthless trio, as they wasted no time blasting him with a powerbomb straight into the knees of Cutler. Soon after, Ryker placed Burch and Carrillo into the inverted DDT position, which welcomed a stomp combo from Cutler and Blake to draw the three-count and drop an emphasis on the following three words: Do unto others. 
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