On this week’s MLW Fusion (presented by www.newlawoffice.com) we try to see what’s behind Cesar Duran’s devious intentions against Alex Hammerstone when he gave Richard Holliday the opportunity to attack the champion who literally had one hand tied behind his back. This week’s episode kicks off with tag action until the aforementioned matchmaker comes out to state the opening bout will now be a Mexican Deathmatch!
Mexican Deathmatch
Gangrel & Pagano vs. Los Parks
It’s Gangrel and LA Park Jr. squaring off against one another, but the Vampire Warrior shows his veteran savvy against the young son. A brawl begins and the foursome obliges as Los Parks hits topes to their adversaries!
Pagano is up to no good as he smashes a beer on LA Park, rips it open with his teeth and grinds it into the mask of Park Jr.!
Gangrel gives Pagano his sickle to inflict more damage, but LA Park comes to the aid of his son. He ends up being the one to make Pagano pay with Gangrel’s weapon! Gangrel dukes it out with the son while LA Park tosses Pagano back in the ring.
Pagano hits some hard chops against Park, but Park duke it. Park hits a STO on Pagano for a two count. Park lays on a powerslam to Pagano for a two count.
Gangrel hits an overhead suplex on Park Jr., but an enziguri dizzies him for another tope. LA Park goes to swing a chair, but the official decides to pull the chair from Park. It’s Pagano who strikes the official! Pagano presents skewers as he rips the mask halfway off LA Park! Park manages to grab hold of them and jabs it into Pagano’s skull! He nails Pagano with a spear and hits the spear for the 1-2-3!
WINNERS: Los Parks
Next week is MLW’s annual event is the Rise Of The Renegades!
Next is the highly-anticipated grudge match between NZO and KC Navarro. NZO comes out and has a mic in hand. He talks about his history with Navarro. He talks about training him in his gym and “beating his ass.” He did see “it” in KC and he tells Navarro that it’s time to step up. There’s plenty of questions as to if NZO’s motives are true.
Grudge Match
NZO vs. KC Navarro
NZO starts off in control and when KC tries to up the tempo, NZO catches him for a fallaway slam. KC however, moves from a corner attack, and then comes off the top with a moonsault: 1-2-3!
WINNER: KC Navarro
We see Cesar Duran and The Clout Couple. Duran makes clear to Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout that he had the Hammerstone match fully under control, but both parties happen to see eye to eye. Holliday brings up one word: opportunity. With all that considered, it looks like we may have a business relationship budding.
It’s official: next week we have Hamerstone & The Von Erichs vs. Richard Holliday, King Muertes & Mads Krugger at Rise of The Renegades!
Flamita vs. Bandido
The two men feel one another out with some high-flying lucha, and it’s clear these two know one another’s offense quite well. “Lucha” chants break out in Dallas. Joe Dombrowski talks of the history between Flamita and Bandido as Flamita downs his former friend. He attempts to pull the mask off Bandido.
“Bandido” chants break out. Flamita hits a dropkick for two. Bandido smacks Flamita from the ground and the fight goes to the outside. Flamita sends Bandido into the ring post before rolling him up on the stage for a suplex attempt. Snap suplex on the stage as we head to break!
Back from it, Flamita has Bandido in a single leg crab, but Bandido does get a rope break. Flamita talks trash as he shoves Bandido down. Bandido fires off against Flamita who seems unphased and hits Bandido hard with a punch. Bandido then turns the fight in his favor with a rapid spinning headscissors that sends the crowd into a frenzy and Flamita to the outside.
When Bandido goes to get back in the ring, Flamita shoves him off and hits a top rope tornilo to the outside!
Back in the ring, Bandido shows his strength with a one arm gorilla press into a falcon arrow: 1-2-no!
Flamita feigns a top rope attack before jumping down and insulting the fans in Dallas.
Flamita soon hits a slingshot DDT: 1-2-no!
Flamita signals for the end, but he sure takes his time. He goes for a powerbomb and Bandido turns it into a sunset flip for a two count. Bandido goes on a flurry that includes a Spanish Fly, a burning hammer GTS and then a cutter! Both men are laid out!
Both men just answer the ten count. Flamita hits a sit-out tiger driver for a near fall. Flamita goes up top, but Bandido scouts it and gets his feet up. He hits his 21-plex for the 1-2-3!
WINNER: Bandido
Post-fight, Bandido offers a hand to his former friend. Flamita instead extends a middle finger.
Next week get ready for Rise of the Renegades!
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