Gentleman Jack Gallagher def. Mike Kanellis

June 26, 2019


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div class=”content”><a href="" data-nid="40062687" data-tracking-label="Gentleman Jack Gallagher vs. Mike Kanellis: WWE 205 Live, June 25, 2019" class="wwe-display-duration js-video-inline–btn js-track js-video–btn node-type-video video-play-large" data-duration="02:04" data-video="{"sponsors":"","numSponsors":false,"title":"Related Videos","playlist":[{"image":"\/f\/styles\/wwe_16_9_s\/public\/2019\/06\/20190625_205Live_match1–41db1e4e6fdd8a66337eec369c211144.jpg","image_uri":"public:\/\/\/2019\/06\/20190625_205Live_match1–41db1e4e6fdd8a66337eec369c211144.jpg","file":"\/\/\/vod\/2019\/,1080,720,540,432,360,288,\/dchi205live135_01_ntwk.m3u8","fid":"40370006","title":"Gentleman Jack Gallagher vs. Mike Kanellis: WWE 205 Live, June 25, 2019","nid":40062687,"vms_id":177277,"description":"After a tense confrontation last week, Gentleman Jack Gallagher looks to rebound from his loss to Chad Gable by silencing Mike Kanellis.","wwe_network":true,"link_url":"http:\/\/\/flow\/network","ads_disabled":0,"numSponsors":false,"path":"\/videos\/gentleman-jack-gallagher-vs-mike-kanellis-wwe-205-live-june-25-2019","abs_path":"https:\/\/\/videos\/gentleman-jack-gallagher-vs-mike-kanellis-wwe-205-live-june-25-2019","network_logged_in_cta":"","show_name":"","episode_name":"","countries":[],"country_logic":"","playlist_offset":0,"playlist_nid":0,"backfilled":false,"parent_playlist_nid":0,"playlist_title":"Related Videos","playlist_short_headline":"Related Videos","video_offset":0,"end_card_logged_in":"


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Last week on WWE 205 Live, Mike Kanellis confronted Gentleman Jack Gallagher and taunted the British Superstar about his loss to Chad Gable the previous week. Gallagher wanted to let his action speak for him, and a challenge was issued. Despite WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick’s attention being elsewhere, the match was made for tonight.

Ever since defeating The Brian Kendrick, Kanellis has been looking to build on that momentum and believes he is the Superstar that should have had the opportunity to face Gable. As his battle with Gallagher got underway, Kanellis did his best to use his size and power advantage to his benefit, but Gallagher’s unorthodox style proved to be the perfect foil to The Opportunist’s strategy.

When the fight spilled to the outside, Gallagher prepared to toss his opponent into the barricade until he was stopped in his tracks by Maria Kanellis, allowing Mike to drive Gallagher into the ring post to turn the tide.

Kanellis found his groove and kept his opponent on the defensive, striking with sheer aggression. After countering a potential superplex, Gallagher enjoyed a short spurt of offense before meeting Kanellis’ boots as he came off the top rope.

Following a near-fall, Gallagher and Kanellis brawled in the center of the ring until the British Superstar was leveled with a superkick. Kanellis went for the cover, but the official stopped the count when he saw Kanellis grabbing Gallagher’s tights. Kanellis paid the price for barking at the official, as Gallagher recovered and dropped Kanellis with a headbutt for the three-count. After the match, an irate Mike Kanellis told Maria he was “done” and stormed into the WWE Universe and out of the arena.
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