IMPACT! on AXS TV Results – December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020

Witness the fallout from Final Resolution tonight on IMPACT! on AXS TV!

Tenille Dashwood w/ Kaleb With a K vs Alisha w/ Eddie Edwards

Alisha looks to even the score tonight after Tenille Dashwood pinned her in a tag match this past Saturday at Final Resolution – of course, it wasn’t without the help of Sami Callihan. Tenille hits a double underhook slam in the early going. Tenille adds insult to injury with the DashWoogie. Alisha builds momentum with a series of running clotheslines, followed by a bulldog. Kaleb pulls Tenille to safety. Kaleb takes out Eddie with his camera bag at ringside. Alisha launches herself off the top but Tenille uses Kaleb as a shield! Tenille capitalizes with the Spotlight Kick to win.

Tenille Dashwood w/ Kaleb With a K def Alisha w/ Eddie Edwards

After the match, Sami Callihan appears on the screen and his mind games continue. Callihan suggests that he and Edwards settle their differences man to man, once and for all. Callihan wishes Edwards a happy holiday season – because it might be his last.

Josh Mathews reveals that the luxury bus of AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Don Callis has arrived at the IMPACT! Zone.

Gia Miller interviews the Motor City Machine Guns ahead of Chris Sabin’s singles match against Karl Anderson tonight. Sabin reminds us that The Guns still have their rematch clause for the Tag Team Championships and tonight is going to be a little preview of things to come for The Good Brothers. Sabin says that there’s only room for two Machine Guns in IMPACT Wrestling and Karl Anderson isn’t one of them!

Moments later, we see Kenny Omega and Don Callis pumping up Anderson for his match against Sabin!

Anderson makes his way from the luxury bus into the IMPACT! Zone where he’s confronted by IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann and the Motor City Machine Guns!

Self-proclaimed TNA World Heavyweight Champion Moose is in the ring and reveals that due to his recent attack on Willie Mack, he will be unable to compete for the next two weeks. Willie’s music hits and out comes Chocolate Thunder. He’s angry that he lost his match to Moose due to referee stoppage because nobody other than himself determines if he can or can’t continue. Willie challenges Moose to a match at Genesis. January 9 on IMPACT Plus, where he can make his own decisions – an I Quit match! Moose warns Willie that facing him in an I Quit match is a bad idea. Willie charges the ring and a huge brawl breaks out! Security separates them and brings Willie to the back. A security guard rips the shirt that Moose is wearing, sending Moose on a vicious rampage.

On the other side of the curtain, Gia Miller asks Moose what happened. He says he’s sick of the independent wrestlers who are trying to make a name for themselves by posing as security guards. Moose claims that they couldn’t even last three minutes in the ring with him before storming off.

Chris Bey approaches former X-Division Champion Rohit Raju in his locker room. This past Saturday at Final Resolution, Rohit lost the title to the returning Manik. Rohit reminds Bey that he wasn’t the only one who lost a title match at Final Resolution. Rohit says that he’s getting his contractually obligated rematch at Hard To Kill, January 16 on Pay-Per-View. Bey has an idea and asks Rohit to join him at ringside for his match against Manik tonight. If they can prove that Manik is TJP in disguise, perhaps management will reverse the decision and hand the X-Division Title back to Rohit!

Via another paid ad, AEW President Tony Khan and AEW Commentator Tony Schiavone promote tomorrow night’s AEW Dynamite. AEW World Champion Kenny Omega is scheduled to compete and Khan invites IMPACT Executive Vice President Don Callis to join him once again!

As he looks to remove the sickness from IMPACT Wrestling, Eric Young says that he’s going to change Cody Deaner. Last Saturday at Final Resolution, Cody apparently joined forces with Young when he betrayed his own Cousin Jake.

X-Division Champion Manik vs Chris Bey w/ Rohit Raju

Manik takes control in the early going with a springboard crossbody to the floor. Manik is perched over the second rope as Bey drives an elbow into his back. Bey begins to wear down Manik with a series of submissions. Manik retreats underneath the ring as the referee begins his count. Manik reappears on the other side of the ring, taking out Rohit with a crossbody! Manik hits the Detonation Kick. Bey grabs hold of the referee, allowing him to connect with an illegal low blow. Rohit gets involved in an attempt to remove Manik’s mask but Bey wants to finish the match first. Rohit loses it and attacks Bey from behind, causing the disqualification!

Chris Bey def X-Division Champion Manik by Disqualification

After Ethan Page lost to Karl Anderson at Final Resolution, The North were eliminated from future Tag Team Title shot consideration. Josh Alexander tells him that The North can’t be together right now. Page responds by saying that “we” will always have your back, referring to a potential third member of The North. As Page walks away confidently, Brian Myers attempts to persuade Alexander into teaming with him but Alexander wants no part of it.

Kenny Omega is angry at Rich Swann for disrespecting him and Karl Anderson earlier tonight. Omega apologizes for what he’s about to do.

Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary – Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final

The winners of this match go on to face either Jordynne Grace & Jazz or Havok & Nevaeh in the tournament final at Hard To Kill, January 16 on Pay-Per-View! Taya hits Tasha with a spinebuster. Moments later, Rosemary keeps the momentum going with a sidewalk slam to Kiera. Rosemary locks in the Upside Down on Tasha. After Kiera and Tasha take control, Rosemary hits a spear to create separation. Rosemary makes the tag to Taya who goes on the attack! Taya hits Kiera with a spinning sitdown powerbomb for two. Meanwhile, Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee pull Rosemary off the apron! Deonna eliminates Rosemary with a flatliner on the stage. Kiera capitalizes with a superkick to Taya, followed by a swinging neckbreaker to win.

Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz def Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary – Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final

Eric Young tells Cody Deaner of a sickness that gave nothing and took everything from him, something he believes Cody has suffered from in professional wrestling as well.

When it was time for Tasha Steelz to award the roll of cash to Hernandez at Final Resolution, it had mysteriously disappeared from her fanny pack. Moments after her their victory in the Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament, Tasha tells Kiera that it wasn’t part of her plan and that the money is truly gone. Johnny Swinger stumbles onto the fanny pack and finds the money in a hidden compartment!

Josh Alexander vs Brian Myers

Mere minutes into the match, Ethan Page comes down to ringside to cheer on Josh Alexander but Myers sends him crashing into the steel ring post! The distraction allows Myers to take control. Page reappears but as his alter ego, the Karate Man! He attacks Myers with a series of Kung Fu maneuvers as the referee calls for the bell.

Brian Myers def Josh Alexander by Disqualification

After the match, Alexander is furious with the Karate Man for getting him disqualified. Alexander screams at the former Ethan Page, telling him he needs help.

Eric Young baptizes Cody Deaner in the holy water of change.

After Larry D was sent off to jail for shooting John E Bravo, Acey Romero claims that he was set up in a conversation with Tommy Dreamer. The innovator of violence tells Acey to prove his partner’s innocence. Moments later, Dreamer motivated Cousin Jake and Rhino to join forces in their fight against Eric Young and Joe Doering.

Don’t miss the Holiday Specials on the next two episodes of IMPACT! as we relive the best matches and moments from the year 2020. Plus, the winners of the 2020 Year End Awards will be revealed!

Tag Team Champion Karl Anderson vs Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley

AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Don Callis are watching the match from their luxury bus! Anderson sends a message as he hits a strong Irish whip into the corner turnbuckles. Anderson manhandles Sabin from the opening bell. Sabin attempts a slingshot crossbody but Anderson quickly shuts him down. There’s a clash of heads in the middle of the ring, giving Sabin a window of opportunity! Sabin quickens the pace with a top rope crossbody for two. Sabin counters the Gun Stun into a tornado DDT for another near fall. Both men are out after an explosive double clothesline! Anderson connects with his signature spinebuster but this time it’s Sabin who barely gets his shoulder up! Anderson rolls him up with a hold of the tights to steal the victory.

Tag Team Champion Karl Anderson vs Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley

Post-match, IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann attempts to have a word with Anderson but instead, Anderson attacks him! Meanwhile, Kenny Omega is seen leaving his luxury bus. The Motor City Machine Guns join the fray backstage when Doc Gallows makes his return. It’s total anarchy until Rich Swann is blindsided by Kenny Omega! The AEW World Champion stands alongside the IMPACT Tag Team Champions, The Good Brothers as Rich Swann and the Motor City Machine Guns are laid out beneath them. Don Callis uses his power as IMPACT Executive Vice President to make the following match official: On January 16 at Hard To Kill, the Bullet Club will reunite as Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers take on Rich Swann and the Motor City Machine Guns in a six-man tag team match!

IMPACT! on AXS TV goes off the air.

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