IMPACT! on AXS TV Results – December 17, 2019

December 17, 2019

Tenille Dashwood vs Jordynne Grace

Jordynne catches Tenille in mid-air and hits a delayed vertical suplex. Tenille connect with a legsweep for a one count. Tenille hangs up Jordynne in the ropes with a neckbreaker. Tenille locks in the Tarantula, doing some damage before the referee forces her to break the hold. Jordynne hits a thunderous Spinebuster for a near fall. Tenille counters a Grace Driver attempt from Tenille but gets caught with a clothesline instead. Tenille connects with a butterfly suplex for a very close near fall. Jordynne rolls up Tenille to win.

Jordynne Grace def Tenille Dashwood

After the match, Jordynne and Tenille shake hands in the middle of the ring. Taya Valkyrie attacks Jordynne from behind but Tenille helps her fend of the Knockouts Champion. Taya retreats up the ramp as Jordynne and Tenille stand tall.


Backstage, Moose tells Rhino he should have contacted him for tips for his match against RVD last week. Rhino lost the match and Moose reminds him that he defeated RVD at Slammiversary. Moose begins to walk away but gets hit with the Gore.

Tag Team Champions The North confront Willie Mack in the backstage area. They tell Willie disassociate himself with his tag team partner Rich Swann before Swann does it to him. Swann interrupts and tells The North to leave. Swann goes one-on-one with Ethan Page later tonight.

TJP w/ Fallah Bahh vs Daga

TJP gains the early advantage with a quick dropkick. Daga rolls him up for a two count but TJP counters into a head scissors to begin wearing Daga down. It’s a stalemate after both men hit in-sync dropkicks. Daga hits a Sunset Flip Powerbomb from the ramp, over the top rope and into the ring. Daga connects with a running senton for a near fall. TJP shows his speed and agility with a Hurricanrana into the Cross Armbreaker. TJP takes Daga off the top with a Superplex, followed by the Detonation Kick for a very close near fall. TJP locks in a submission, forcing Daga to tap.

TJP w/ Fallah Bahh def Daga

After the match, the Desi Hit Squad attack TJP & Fallah. Daga helps them even the odds but Mahabali Shera takes him out with a massive Chokeslam.


Brian Cage runs into his Hard To Kill opponent Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes in the backstage area. RVD continues to disrespect him after he smokes in the locker room.

RVD and Katie Forbes are in the ring. He reminds the fans that he has given the professional wrestlers of today their move set. RVD calls Cage the biggest RVD mark of them all, causing the former World Champion to confront him in the ring. Cage and RVD exchange shots with Cage getting the upperhand until Katie gives Cage a low blow. Katie holds a steel chair in front of Cage, allowing RVD to deliver a sick Van Terminator but he doesn’t give the fans what they want. RVD gets off the top rope, walks over to Cage and kicks the chair into his face.


Suzie is talking to Rosemary backstage until Fathers James Mitchell pulls her away and tells Suzie not to interact with the Demon Assassin anymore. Out of nowhere, Havok attacks Rosemary causing Suzie to let out a terrifying scream.

Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie tries to enlist the help of Kiera Hogan and Madison Rayne ahead of 3-way title defense against Jordynne Grace and ODB at Hard To Kill. At first, Kiera and Madison don’t seem like they’re interested but Taya convinces them to think about it when she offers opportunities at the Knockouts Title.

Tag Team Champions Ethan Page w/ Josh Alexander vs Rich Swann w/ Willie Mack

Alexander distracts the referee in the early going. Willie gets up on the apron to try and thwart his efforts but it ends up costing his partner as The North is able to hit a double team maneuver on Swann. Page continues to wear down Swann with a variety of offense. Swann creates some distance with a big clothesline. He continues the flurry with a cartwheel splash for a two count. Page sends Swann flying with a huge powerslam off the top, followed by a high-risk Swanton. Swann aims for Page when he flies over the top but Alexander pushes him out of the way, sacrificing himself for his tag team partner. Page gets in Willie’s face at ringside, causing Willie to attack him. The referee calls for the bell, ending the match in disqualification.

Tag Team Champions Ethan Page w/ Josh Alexander def Rich Swann w/ Willie Mack by Disqualification


The brawl between Moose and Rhino continues backstage until it’s broken up by security.

Joey Ryan vs Acey Romero

Before the match begins, Johnny Swinger joins Don Callis and Josh Mathews on commentary. Acey hits a big running splash. Acey loses his balance and falls on the Joey’s crotch but it ends up hurting Acey instead. Joey pulls a lollipop out of his pants but Acey redirects it into the referee’s mouth. Swinger gets involved and makes Acey touch his fanny pack but it’s nothing compared the power of “it”. Joey flips Acey with “it”, puts another lollipop into the mouth of Acey and hits him with Sweet Tooth Music to win.

Joey Ryan vs Acey Romero


Gabby Loren interviews Tessa Blanchard as she prepares for World Champion Sami Callihan to expose the truth about her later tonight. Tessa implies she’ll be watching closely.

Michael Elgin bombards the locker room and says that if Eddie Edwards won’t put the Call Your Shot Trophy on the line in their match at Hard To Kill, he’ll just take it.

X-Division Champion Ace Austin vs Petey Williams – Non-Title Match

Petey hits a slingshot Hurricanrana to the floor. Ace regains control with a superkick. Ace is looking to cut Petey with the laminated card but Petey reverses into a pinning attempt for a near fall. Petey goes for the Canadian Destroyer but this time it’s Ace who counters into the Bangorama. Ace puts Petey away with The Fold.

X-Division Champion Ace Austin def Petey Williams – Non-Title Match

After the match, Ace gets on the mic and dedicates his performance to Trey’s mother. Ace and Trey will meet with the X-Division Title on the line at Hard To Kill.


Trey meets Ace on the other side of the curtain and threatens the champ to never speak of his mother again or else. Ace is about to say something when Trey attacks him. It’s broken up by Reno Scum and security.

World Champion Sami Callihan is in the ring to expose the truth about Tessa Blanchard ahead of their match at Hard To Kill on January 12th. Callihan calls Tessa a fake and praises himself for getting to where he is now, without the help of his father. Tessa interrupts but gets attacked from behind by Madman Fulton. Sami continues the attack in the ring when Ken Shamrock makes the save. Shamrock and Fulton fight in the ring while Callihan and Tessa brawl backstage and outside the arena. IMPACT! goes off the air.


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