Alicia Lynne started her journey to become a professional wrestler in early 2019 and since then, her journey has been great. Alicia is also known for being the host of Gamestop TV and she brings a great personality to the show. I got the chance to interview Alicia as we talked about her journey as a wrestler, cosplay, video gaming, and much more in this exclusive interview.
You are a jack of trades when it comes to Wrestling, Cosplay, and Streaming with video game content along with hosting for Gamestop. How proud are you that you can do all in one and still maintain a healthy work-life balance?
Alicia: “This is a very interesting question to start off with because I don’t think I have found that balance yet. I haven’t really been able to stream consistently like I have wanted. Originally in ring training was only 3 times a week, but I was fortunate enough that my school AAPW (America’s Academy of Professional Wrestling) has opened up now 6 days a week which I really try to take advantage of. Luckily for me Gamestop only takes up a couple days a month! The balance is something I am really trying to work on as we speak. I would say I need more time in a day, but honestly I need to organize my time better. I am proud and happy of everything I have accomplished, but there is always room to learn and for improvement”.
What drew you in the world of professional wrestling? and have you always been a fan?
Alicia: “I honestly can’t say I have been a lifelong fan. Wrestling is something I discovered about a year ago now thanks to a bad breakup lol. To be specific ( and some people may laugh) it all started with me binging Total Divas after my friend had watched it on my Hulu account. I could not believe the athleticism and just how badass all the women were from their in-ring work to their normal lives. That lead me to watching Raw and Smackdown and I just became hooked. All I kept thinking to myself was…THIS…holy shit THIS is it. It combines everything I have done in life into one glorious form of sports entertainment. Growing up I did acting, modeling, cosplay, hosting, and was always an athlete. I just knew this was it…so I found AAPW and started training. Now that I am in this and I am learning the business and it’s history it’s something I wish I had been a part of growing up…what I would have killed to see “Austin 3:16” happen live and to fight with my family over watching Nitro or Raw during the Monday Night Wars.”
How did your parents react when you told them that you want to become a wrestler?
Alicia: “This shocked me! I have changed careers now like 4 times…and I was full heatedly expecting my family to roll their eyes and give me the “you need an office job” speech. They didn’t! In fact my mom was excited and super supportive! As I explained it more everyone in my family (and even family friends) truly believe this is the right career path for me. Sadly, I lost my dad a couple years back…but I know he would be supportive of this dream. Growing up I did Tae Kwon Do and he ALWAYS wanted me to do MMA and UFC. It may not UFC, but I am doing this for you Dad <3 I am doing this because I want to become that fighter you always saw in me. Thank you for always supporting my dreams. I am so grateful to have the support of my family, friends, and my boyfriend.”
What are some of your earliest memories of training to become a wrestler? And who gave you the most advice?
Alicia: “I have only been in this business for about 9 months training, and working now for about 2 months. Honestly I will never forget my first bump…it took me a little longer to learn how to bump properly and I was scared I would never get it, I mean it’s in our human nature to NOT want to fall. When it comes to who has given me the most advice, aside from my coach Ray Campos( Poppa Don), and my other trainers Steve-O Reno and Vega Del Rio…I have to say my boyfriend and trainer Prince Adam has given me the most advice. I will never forget one of our first conversations (before we were dating) after practice about what this business is. He was brutally honest about the hard work it takes and the passion you have to have and that has always stuck with me. To this day he is ALWAYS honest with me about my work and it has helped me grow tremendously. When we are in the gym, at home, at training, at a show, he constantly projects his knowledge on me about this business and I am so grateful”.
Do you have any great road stories?
Alicia: “I have only taken a few road trips! I do have one crazy long one coming up this weekend that I am so excited about! Aside from stories I can’t repeat and just some good old laughs, this past weekend my friend Carrie and I worked a show and on the way back we decided to eat like the children we are and get mac and cheese and nuggets lol. It’s so dumb but I love the fact we wanted to both eat like 5 year olds between our matches. Check back with me in 6 months haha I am sure I will have some crazy road story then”.
How often do you mix some of your cosplay style with your matches?
Alicia: “This is something I am slowly working into my current gimmick! In fact, this next match tomorrow (October 18) will be my first time wrestling in cosplay at Mission Pro Wrestling in Buda, TX! I can’t say who yet, but I am so excited to bring a character to the ring! I plan on doing it alot more if not every match! The goal is to make one new cosplay a month :). We shall see how that goes.”
Who do you want to have a match with in the future?
Alicia: “THIS! hahaha this question is SO hard to answer! There are so many talented wrestlers out that it’s SOOO hard to just choose one! If I have to though I might as well go crazy and say that I would DIE to work a match with Becky Lynch because she is one of my main inspirations for getting into that ring.There are so many others though…Honestly I would be so grateful to work any of the talented wrestlers that have come before me.”
Speaking of cosplay, I have seen many over the years at different conventions and yours is on point from what I see. Some of the ones I like are the Darksiders, Cammy from Street Fighter, Zero Suit Samus, and Nathan Drake. When have you started cosplay and what were some of the hardest costumes that turned out very well when you see yourself in full costume?
Alicia: “I started building costumes in 2013…I think? It just kind of happened and I fell in love with it! So much so that I was able to quit my job and do it full time. The hardest costume I had to make was Fury from Darksiders…so much so that it just exhausted me and I haven’t done a big build since. When it comes to challenges that I am proud of…my Lich King build from World of Warcraft. That was my first 100% 3D printed costume and the one I felt the most badass in…There is nothing like putting on a full suit of armor…you legit feel like a badass. I do miss that, but it’s something I really try to embody as well in the ring.”
What has been some of your best fan interactions in either wrestling or the convention scene?
Alicia: “There is one interaction I will never forget. There have been many amazing heartfelt interactions but this one has stuck with me through the years. At Long Beach Comicon in like 2015, I was wearing my Wonder Woman armor and the sweetest little girl dressed up as Wonder Woman came up to me and just stared. She got a big old smile on her face and I leaned down and hugged her. She really thought I was Wonder Woman and for that moment I was for her. She waved at me and nervously ran off. Ever since then I have always thought about the younger generation in everything I do. Be that Wonder Woman.”
On the topic of video games, what are some of your favorites?
Alicia: “Woooo this ones easy! Let me just list them LOL: Zelda Ocarina of time, Majora’s Mask, Breath of the Wild, Darkisders, Doom, Bioshock (all of them…yes including 2!), God of War (OG), God of War (2018), Devil May Cry, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3 …the list goes on”.
When it comes to video games, I think that we can all agree that there are annoying side quest missions.”
In your opinion, what is the worst side quest mission you have ever had to endure?
Alicia: “let me just talk about the most annoying missions in general and then talk about some side ones! The freaking Water Temple in Ocarina… I eventually got it (I played that games like 5 times LOL) BUT MAN that first run through I was so angry! Constantly changing the water levels, trying to remember where I had been….UGH! SIDE MISSIONS! Let’s talk Darksiders 2 for a second…the game has so many side quests…so many collectibles…I ALMOST 100% it but I forgot one page…and to this day I have not found it…it will forever stay lost to me.”
When it is all said and done years from now with everything that you do, what do you want fans to remember the most from you?
Alicia: “My work. My art. I want to be remembered for the stories I brought to the ring. For the sculptures and costumes I created. I want people to look back and remember VertVixen as a talented artist and wrestler that forever changed the game.”
Can you tell me about your upcoming match schedule?
Alicia: “I have some unannounced stuff coming in November, December, and January but here are my upcoming matches for October!”
October 18: Mission Pro Wrestling – Buda, Texas
October 19: Ring Announcing for Soar Championship wrestling – Sherwood, AK
October 26th: AAPW – Austin, TX
October 27th: CMLH – Pasadena, TX
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