Io Shirai & Candice LeRae vs. Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir ended in a No Contest

June 12, 2019


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BEL AIR, Md. – The smoldering ember left behind after Io Shirai and Shayna Baszler’s explosive NXT Women’s Title clash at NXT TakeOver: XXV sparked a new flame that ultimately torched The Genius of the Sky’s tag-team tangle against The Horsewomen.

Before lighting another fuse against The Queen of Spades, though, Shirai and her new pal Candice LeRae dealt retribution to Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir. After weeks of testy exchanges between the two sides, The Genius of the Sky and Tenacious C were all action against the treacherous duo. LeRae dialed things up early, plastering Shafir & Duke with running strikes and aerial attacks. When Duke found a way to reverse the momentum, lacing her opponent with a bevy of strikes – all while Baszler proudly watched from the stage – a tag to Shirai soon turned the tables.

As if tattooing the Horsewomen with a series of high-impact moves, including a flawlessly executed Tiger Feint Kick, wasn’t enough, The Genius of the Sky pulled a page from Baszler’s book and dropped a merciless stomp to Duke’s left elbow. When Baszler irately made a beeline to the ring to scoop her partner-in-crime out of harm’s way, Shirai flattened the NXT Women’s Champion with a moonsault, prompting an all-out brawl among all parties. As LeRae dove between the ropes and leveled Duke & Shafir on the outside, Baszler and Shirai duked it out through the crowd – throwing this heated matchup into a no contest, while the NXT Universe implored officials to “let them fight.”
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