John Cena sends Muhammad Ali Legacy Award to WWE Headquarters

December 12, 2018
John Cena sends the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award to WWE Headquarters

After becoming the first WWE Superstar to win the Muhammad Ali Legacy Award, John Cena sends the trophy to Connecticut in honor of the sports-entertainers who helped pave the way.

In accepting the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award Tuesday night, John Cena dedicated the honor to his fellow WWE Superstars, who helped put in the work that allowed him to become the first sports-entertainer to be recognized for the honor. As a result, Cena is sending the trophy to a place where it can be enjoyed by everyone who helped him win it: WWE Headquarters.

The 16-time World Champion revealed he would send the award back to Stamford, Conn., instead of taking it with him to Hong Kong. “Tonight is a night for WWE,” he said. “Here I am, a sports-entertainer being awarded a tremendous honor among athletes. It’s not something that probably would have happened a few years ago, but it’s amazing to see cultural change and people have open minds about what we do.”

“It’s part of us. This is for all of us,” he continued. “It’s where it belongs.”

Previous recipients of the Muhammad Ali Legacy Award, which honors athletes dedicated to the ideals of sportsmanship, include Basketball Hall of Famers Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, World Golf Hall of Famer Jack Nicklaus and former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
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