Johnny Champion returned to a new Undisputed challenge

April 17, 2019


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Returning home with the top prize, Johnny Gargano received a roaring hero’s welcome when he stepped foot inside Full Sail Live. As deafening “Johnny Champion!” and “You deserve it” chants showered around him like confetti, the newly crowned NXT Champion recounted his journey to his prize-winning finish line. “This is what happens when you refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer,” he declared. However, Adam Cole begged to differ.

After failing to defeat Gargano in their highly-competitive 2-out-of-3 Falls Match at NXT TakeOver: New York, a disgruntled Cole popped up with plenty to say. According to the Undisputed ERA captain, his claim to the NXT Championship was proven on the first pinfall during that championship bout. “If it was any other match, I’d be champion,” The Panama City Playboy asserted. In response, Mr. Johnny Champion said it simply: Put up or shut up.

As Cole approached the ring, with Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish in tow, Gargano was struck with a sneak attack by the stealthy Roderick Strong, prompting a four-on-one beatdown. Later in the night, NXT General Manager William Regal revealed to the foursome that Gargano demanded a match against Undisputed ERA. Though Cole assumed that he would face Johnny Wrestling, Regal shocked his system when he revealed that Gargano requested to face Strong in a match that will take place next Wednesday on WWE Network.
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