Kalisto & Lince Dorado def. TJP & Mike Kanellis

November 8, 2018
Kalisto & Lince Dorado vs. TJP & Mike Kanellis: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 7, 2018

Looking to continue their winning ways and seeking retribution, Kalisto and Lince Dorado represent The Lucha House Party against the newfound alliance of TJP and Mike Kanellis.

Wearing Gran Metalik’s mask – as well as the other masks he’s collected from The Lucha House Party – TJP joined forces with Mike Kanellis to face off against their mutual adversaries. Hoping to continue to build momentum after an impressive victory against The Revival on Raw, Kalisto and Lince Dorado were ready for a fight and looking for retribution against The Cruisergreat and Kanellis.
Early in the contest, TJP attempted to rip off Kalisto’s mask but was quickly countered as Kalisto and Dorado unleashed an offensive flurry that didn’t skip a beat and forced TJP to the corner for the tag. Kanellis didn’t fare much better, and the duo was forced to the outside to re-strategize.

After TJP and Mike enjoyed a brief advantage – earning the shrieking approval of Maria Kanellis at ringside — Dorado knocked both opponents outside the ring with an impressive flurry of offense and made the tag to Kalisto. With a full head of steam, Kalisto kept TJP on defense, but he didn’t see a tag to Kanellis, who took advantage by flooring his opponent.

Kalisto fired back at Kanellis and made a much-needed tag to Dorado, who fought off each off his adversaries. After sending each of their opponents out of the ring, The Lucha House Party executed a jaw-dropping double moonsault. Moments later, however, Dorado found himself caught in TJP’s excruciating Kneebar. Barely making the save, Kalisto took down The Cruisergreat before diving to the outside and flattening Kanellis.

As The Golden Lynx attempted to score a pinfall, TJP ripped off Dorado’s mask. Taking pride in his accomplishment, he showed off his newest trophy, not realizing Dorado was wearing a second mask underneath. By the time TJP realized what was happening, it was too late; in the blink of an eye, Dorado pounced with a wicked hurricanrana into a pin to score the 1-2-3.

Article source: WWE.com

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