Kevin Owens crashed Bobby Lashley and Jinder Mahal’s meditation session

September 4, 2018
Kevin Owens returns to lay out Bobby Lashley: Raw, Sept. 3, 2018

KO crashes Bobby Lashley’s “meditation intervention” to get a piece of the powerhouse.

Does Bobby Lashley need anger management? Debatable, but Acting General Manager Baron Corbin ordered him to undergo a meditation intervention from Jinder Mahal anyway. However, what was starting out as a petty confrontation between Lashley and The Maharaja turned out to be something far more physical when a (genuinely) angry Superstar made his presence known. 

Kevin Owens, who quit last week after losing an Intercontinental Title bid to Seth Rollins, made his apparent return by storming Mahal’s meditation sanctuary to attack Lashley from behind, throwing the former ECW Champion out of the ring and decimating him with the apron powerbomb. Inner peace achieved? Maybe. Message sent? Absolutely.

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