Kevin Owens lashed out at Shane McMahon

July 9, 2019

After Kevin Owens got into a jaw-dropping brawl with Dolph Ziggler in the parking lot earlier in the day – which resulted in Shane McMahon canceling a match between the two Superstars – KO stormed into the arena to kick off SmackDown LIVE ready to verbally unload on “The Best in the World.”

Owens pulled no punches on Shane, saying that the former SmackDown LIVE Commissioner was smothering all of WWE and that Shane’s presence was making him sick.

Shane repeatedly tried to cut out KO’s microphone before finally summoning security to obtain Owens and escort him out of the ring and, presumably, the building. However, Owens exited through the timekeeper’s area (the same way he entered) before security could grab him.
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