Lana accused Rusev of infidelity on “King’s Court”

October 29, 2019

Why did Lana take up with Bobby Lashley? Speculation has run rampant ever since The Ravishing Russian began her sordid affair with The All Mighty as to why she would abandon a seemingly loving marriage for the muscled embrace of the two-time Intercontinental Champion. As it turns out, Rusev did it first. Or at least that’s what Lashley told her.

That, among many, many, many other things, was Lana’s big revelation on “King’s Court” — aptly renamed “Divorce Court” by Jerry Lawler. Lana told Rusev that she ran to Lashley because their marriage was dominated by Rusev’s desire to have a baby. Lana’s side hustle as an influencer and a model leaves little room for stretch marks, of course, so when Lashley accused Rusev of infidelity, it was all the evidence she needed that Rusev didn’t really love her. And incredibly, it only got worse from there.

An incredulous Rusev protested the accusation, only for Lashley himself to emerge and throw hands. The Super Athlete, in a show of defiance to his wife, took off his wedding ring and shoved it in Lashley’s mouth. Lana took several swings at her husband with a Kendo stick. And Lashley downed Rusev with a pair of low blows, punctuated by a blistering slap from Lana to the face of The Bulgarian Brute. Raw ended with, perhaps, the most egregious humiliation yet for the proud Superstar, with Lashley and Lana lustily kissing astride his downed body, while Rusev nursed his wounds below the belt. To put it lightly, this was not his day.
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