Lio Rush def. Lince Dorado

January 15, 2019
Lio Rush def. Lince Dorado

Two weeks ago, Kalisto defeated Lio Rush to advance to the Fatal 4-Way Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship at Royal Rumble. During that match, The Man of the Hour was distracted by Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik and got into a heated exchange with The Golden Lynx that contributed to his defeat.

Feeling good following Bobby Lashley’s Intercontinental Championship victory on Raw, Lio Rush hoped to feed off that momentum and pick up a win against Dorado. As The Golden Lynx made his way to the ring, Rush took issue with Kalisto and Gran Metalik being at ringside, and Dorado told his Lucha House Party brothers to leave, allowing Rush to attack before the opening bell.

There was certainly no love lost between the competitors as they matched each other’s speed and aggression at a breakneck pace that often devolved into an all-out brawl. Rush took control of the match following an incredible moonsault to the outside.

Despite the methodical nature of Rush’s offense, The Golden Lynx battled back and unleashed a high-flying series of attacks that nearly ended The Man of the Hour’s evening on more than one occasion. Following a Golden Rewind and a flying legdrop to the back, The Golden Lynx appeared to finally have victory within his grasp. However, Rush sidestepped his opponent’s charge, tossed him into the ring post and seized the opportunity to execute the Final Hour for the win.

After the match, Rush attacked Dorado on the entrance ramp before Kalisto and Gran Metalik chased him off.

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