Lio Rush def. Raul Mendoza

November 2, 2019


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div class=”content”><a href="" data-nid="40068792" data-tracking-label="Raul Mendoza vs. Lio Rush: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 1, 2019" class="wwe-display-duration js-video-inline–btn js-track js-video–btn node-type-video video-play-large" data-duration="03:23" data-video="{"sponsors":"","numSponsors":false,"title":"Related Videos","playlist":[{"image":"\/f\/styles\/wwe_16_9_s\/public\/2019\/11\/20191101_205Live_Mendoza–d47cb9949542ba7b458fe5380fee58c9.jpg","image_uri":"public:\/\/\/2019\/11\/20191101_205Live_Mendoza–d47cb9949542ba7b458fe5380fee58c9.jpg","file":"\/\/\/vod\/2019\/,1080,720,540,432,360,288,\/dchi205live151_03_ntwk_rev1.m3u8","fid":"40397600","title":"Raul Mendoza vs. Lio Rush: WWE 205 Live, Nov. 1, 2019","nid":40068792,"vms_id":183691,"description":"Attempting to prove he can win matches without any assistance, Raul Mendoza battles NXT Cruiserweight Champion Lio Rush in a non-title match.","wwe_network":true,"link_url":"\/wwenetwork","ads_disabled":0,"numSponsors":false,"path":"\/videos\/raul-mendoza-vs-lio-rush-wwe-205-live-nov-1-2019","abs_path":"https:\/\/\/videos\/raul-mendoza-vs-lio-rush-wwe-205-live-nov-1-2019","network_logged_in_cta":"","show_name":"WWE 205 Live","episode_name":"","countries":[],"country_logic":"","mediaid":"S6Zp0S2n","playlist_offset":0,"playlist_nid":0,"backfilled":false,"parent_playlist_nid":0,"playlist_title":"Related Videos","playlist_short_headline":"Related Videos","video_offset":0,"end_card_logged_in":"


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Last week, Raul Mendoza picked up a major victory against former NXT Cruiserweight Champion Tony Nese. However, the win came after The Premier Athlete was distracted by current champion Lio Rush at ringside. As a result, Mendoza wanted a match with Lio Rush to prove that he didn’t need The Man of the Hour’s help to win. Despite the match being non-title, Mendoza had a huge opportunity to make his case for a potential title challenge.

Early in the contest, Mendoza and Rush each showed off their blinding speed, bringing them to a virtual stalemate.

Recalibrating his strategy, the NXT Cruiserweight Champion turned up his aggression to take control and slow the pace of the match. Although The Man of the Hour enjoyed an advantage, Mendoza once again sped up the pace, taking Rush off the top rope before unleashing a power-based offense that kept Rush on defense. Using his size and power in contrast to Rush to his advantage, Mendoza kept the champion at bay and quelled two attempts by The Man of the Hour to regain momentum.

Avoiding a high-risk maneuver from his opponent, Rush battled Mendoza on the ring apron, exchanging strikes before being decimated by a superkick. Mendoza attempted a suplex, but Rush countered, driving his opponent to the outside and flattening him with a moonsault. Once again back in the ring, The Man of the Hour kicked his acceleration into high gear and nearly scored a pinfall following a fast-paced flurry of strikes.

Mendoza battled back, delivering a series of jaw-dropping moves of his own, bringing the WWE Universe to the edge of their seats. They continued to trade strikes, with Rush nearly forcing Mendoza to tap out to a single-leg crab. Countering the hold, Mendoza was met by a springboard come up before succumbing to the Final Hour.

After the match, Rush showed his respect for Mendoza by giving the upstart a fist bump before taking his title in celebration.
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