NXT Champion Johnny Gargano def. Roderick Strong

April 25, 2019


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Roderick Strong was out to make a statement in his non-title match against NXT Champion Johnny Gargano, a bout that Johnny Champion demanded following Undisputed ERA’s ambush last week. Little did Strong realize that his undoing would come at the hands of his own Undisputed ERA teammate, Adam Cole.

The Panama City Playboy, who remains obsessed over the outcome of his NXT Title Match against Gargano at TakeOver: New York, made his presence felt in the waning moments of the battle after Gargano and Strong had all but emptied their tanks. As Gargano had Strong locked in the Gargano Escape, Cole charged the ring and hopped onto the apron, causing Johnny Wrestling to release the hold.

Gargano and Strong battled on, and Cole continued trash-talking the champion from ringside. Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly soon emerged from the locker room too, but they were followed by Matt Riddle. The Original Bro — who had accused Cole of being jealous of Strong during a locker room confrontation earlier in the night — took down the former NXT Tag Team Champions before being felled by a right hand by Cole.

Strong then reached through the ropes toward Cole, seemingly to get on the same page as his ally, but The Panama City Playboy — believing it was Gargano behind him — blindly uncorked an enzuigiri against his fellow Undisputed ERA member. Gargano quickly took advantage, wiping out Cole with a suicide dive and drilling Strong with a slingshot DDT for the win.

Frustrated by the turn of events, The Undisputed ERA were left pointing fingers at each other, while a victorious Gargano fist-bumped a grinning Riddle on the stage.
Article source: WWE.com

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