NXT Tag Team Champions The Street Profits def. The Undisputed ERA

August 11, 2019


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TORONTO — The Six was ready for a party, red cups in hand as NXT TakeOver: Toronto 2019 kicked off with the arrival of NXT Tag Team Champions The Street Profits. Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford leapt into the NXT Universe to indulge a little themselves, but the party would have to be put on hold for a little bit, as The Undisputed ERA’s Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish arrived, looking to put an end to any good times.

While the challengers came into the battle thinking that The Street Profits were a joke, the champions set the tone for the bout early, letting The Undisputed ERA know that there would be no fun and games in Toronto. Dawkins & Ford put the challengers on their back foot early, but eventually, O’Reilly & Fish would use their supreme striking ability to take Ford out and take control of the match. The Undisputed ERA grounded the hard-hitting Dawkins, pummeling him on the mat with devastating strikes.

Dawkins soon slipped out of their clutches and tagged Ford into the match, unleashing his fiery partner on the challengers. King Tez staggered Fish & O’Reilly with his high-octane offense, but the challengers would soon set their sights on slowing Ford down, targeting his leg. The Undisputed ERA nearly had the titles won as O’Reilly had Ford on the verge of submission with an Achilles Lock, until Dawkins saved their championship by slamming Fish onto his own partner.

The bout eventually broke down into an all-out slugfest as all four Superstars traded blows in the center of the ring. The tides of the bout turned as The Street Profits sent their challengers to the arena floor, in perfect position for Ford to crash down on them with a breathtaking dive. Back in the ring, Dawkins took out both Undisputed ERA members with ring-rocking Spears, leaving O’Reilly prone on the canvas. Ford seized the moment, taking flight on a Frog Splash and landing on O’Reilly to get the three-count and retain the titles. After that, the party was back on, as The Street Profits went back into the NXT Universe to celebrate with the raucous Toronto crowd.
Article source: WWE.com

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