NXT UK Women’s Champion Toni Storm def. Nikki Cross and Bianca Belair (Triple Threat Match)

April 24, 2019


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NXT UK Women’s Champion Toni Storm may have drawn a perilous assignment for Worlds Collide, tasked with defending her crown against the wildly unpredictable Nikki Cross and the almost unfathomably explosive Bianca Belair, but she proved she was up to the challenge.

Cross and Belair didn’t make Storm’s path to title retention easy, of course. WWE’s Twister Sister was in true unhinged form, trapping both of her opponents in the ring skirt early so that she could clobber Belair and Storm at will. Later in the free-for-all, Belair showed her physical superiority, if not her relative inexperience, when she slammed Cross onto Storm, which nearly resulted in an inadvertent pinfall for Cross. Through it all, Storm delivered as many big hits as she received, at one point running corner to corner with a series of hip checks to both opponents.

As the intensity steadily picked up, Cross ascended the ropes with a high-risk move in mind. Belair tried to stop her, but Cross knocked The EST of NXT to the floor. She then took flight with a cross body block, but Storm sidestepped the attack and sent Cross plummeting back to the mat with the Storm Zero to win the match and retain the NXT UK Women’s Title.
Article source: WWE.com

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