Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch def. Drew Gulak & Tony Nese

September 25, 2019


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Last week, WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak distracted Oney Lorcan, allowing Tony Nese score a victory against The Premier Athlete. Despite losing a No. 1 Contenders Match to Lio Rush on NXT, Lorcan remained focused on Gulak, recruiting his tag team partner Danny Burch to battle Gulak and Nese.

The Boston Brawler gave his team the upper hand by unleashing his rage on Nese and Gulak until The Premier Athlete jabbed him in the eye with his thumb, allowing Nese and the champion to take turns attacking Lorcan.

As Nese and Gulak’s confidence brewed, Lorcan attempted to fight back but was met with the force of Nese’s power and Gulak’s sheer brutality. The ever-resilient Lorcan battled back, knocking Nese off the ring apron and sending Gulak crashing to the floor.

Lorcan was briefly halted by Gulak before overpowering the champion and tagging in Burch, who delivered resounding strikes to Gulak. As Nese saved his partner from a double-team maneuver, he and Burch went tumbling to the outside.

Gulak and Lorcan brawled in the center of the ring, with The Boston Brawler applying a single-leg crab as Burch locked Nese in a crossface. Gulak, however, pushed Lorcan into Burch, breaking both holds.

Burch and Lorcan nearly scored victory when The Boston Brawler delivered an uppercut while Nese was hoisted on Burch’s shoulders. Despite Nese kicking out, Lorcan and Burch maintained their intensity, taking out Gulak and delivering their trademark tag team maneuver to Nese for the win.
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