Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch def. The Mighty

November 29, 2018
Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan vs. The Mighty: WWE NXT, Nov. 28, 2018

Two of NXT’s premiere tag teams collide as the Brit-Am alliance of Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan faces Australia’s The Mighty. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

SAN JOSE, Calif. – On the road to establishing themselves as the premier tag team in NXT, Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch continued their tour de force this week. It was put up or shut up for the bruisers-in-arms, as they went up against the maestros of underhanded maneuvers, The Mighty.

While Shane Thorne & Nick Miller used their signature sly yet calculated double-team tactics to wear down Lorcan & Burch’s combined brute force, such as tossing the bruisers into each other whenever the momentum shifted, the effectiveness eventually grew thin. When Thorne thwarted an attempted Doomsday Device by pushing Burch into Lorcan, the collision ricocheted the Brit-Am alliance right back into audacious Aussies. As Burch drove Thorne to the canvas with a spear, Lorcan rolled up Miller for the three-count, earning the tandem another consecutive victory.

But there would be no celebration, as a livid Mighty unloaded a vicious beatdown on Lorcan & Burch following the final bell. Together, they pummeled the duo with hard stomps before clobbering Burch with an echoing clothesline and twice hurling Lorcan shoulder-first into the ring post. The Brit-Am alliance may have won the battle, but Thorne & Miller got the last laugh.
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