Oney Lorcan def. Kalisto

April 2, 2019


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Last week, WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick announced that NXT Superstar Oney Lorcan would now be competing as part of the Cruiserweight division. Following an impressive showing in the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament, Lorcan made his presence felt last week, watching and eventually attacking Cedric Alexander during The Soul of WWE 205 Live’s match with Ariya Daivari. Looking to continue setting the tone for his arrival, Lorcan faced former WWE Cruiserweight Champion Kalisto.

As soon as the opening bell rang, Lorcan charged forward and leveled Kalisto. WWE 205 Live’s newest Superstar brought the fight to the outside and slammed the announce table, asking if Cedric Alexander was watching. The evidence of Lorcan’s hard-hitting offense was clear in the red handprints across Kalisto’s chest.

Putting his fighting spirit on display, Kalisto fed off the energy of the WWE Universe and turned up the pace by striking with quick kicks and soaring through the air to knock Lorcan off balance. The Lucha Dragan countered the Half and Half and prepared the Salida del Sol. However, Lorcan countered with a huge uppercut before a battle that ended with Kalisto executing the Salida del Sol on the ring apron.

With both Superstars reeling, Kalisto ascended the ropes but was stopped by Lorcan, who attempted a Half and Half off the top rope. Fending off Lorcan’s advances, Kalisto attempted a 450 Splash but was met by his opponent’s knees to the gut. Wasting no time, Lorcan successfully executed the Half and Half to secure an impressive victory.
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