
It has been a chaotic week, to say the least, since “Dynamite” went off the air last Wednesday night in Salt Lake City. But we are committed to bringing our fans the best wrestling action in the world each and every week that we can, and as such, the face of “Blood & Guts” will be determined this week on “Dynamite”! Plus tag team action with two titanic matches, contention in the Women's Division, and The Exalted One will finally be revealed before the world! It will be one heck of a night this week when AEW hits the airwaves Wednesday night at 8pm EST/7pm CST LIVE on TNT! The Advantage... The Inner Circle vs. The Elite A six-man tag will go down this week on “Dynamite” pitting members of The Inner Circle against members of The Elite, and to the victor goes the advantage for “Blood & Guts”! And what a difference that advantage can make in a match certain to be violent, certain to leave a lasting effect on its participants, and certain to injure the men involved. But it can be argued, as members of The Inner Circle make in the “Road To...” video above, that they already have the advantage going into “Blood & Guts” regardless of the outcome of this 6-Man tag. Nick Jackson is out for the foreseeable future after being assaulted last week, Kenny Omega is still recovering from a broken wrist, and those are just two examples of the PHYSICAL damage within The Elite. Psychologically speaking, they haven't all been on the same page for months, most notably Hangman Page. After all, he has repeatedly told his estranged brethren he wants nothing to do with them, and even his team with Omega (in spite of the successes) is not one he pursued but rather was foisted upon him by Kenny. Even the instances when Page has assisted the others have seemed more like Hangman just rubbing it in their faces that they needed his help, especially doing so after he and Omega bested The Young Bucks at “Revolution” in their epic World Tag Title match. Watch “Being The Elite” this week (Watch Here) and see for yourself how disconnected Page is from the reality of what's going on with the others. And that is the situation surrounding this 6-Man tag match for the “Blood & Guts” advantage. The numbers game leaning in the favor of either team for five minutes is clearly desired by both units, but all of the other factors offer another kind of advantage to The Inner Circle that cannot be equaled. They are a well-oiled machine, they are all on the same page, The Elite is not and has not been for a long time. That is an undeniable fact that will loom over everything they try to accomplish, that may sabotage any goal they may have. The Death Triangle... Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix) vs. (#4) Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) At “Revolution”, PAC bested Orange Cassidy, but fans also witnessed The Best Friends get assaulted by the Lucha Bros seemingly out of the blue. Days later on “Dynamite”, the scene was repeated in the aftermath of the PAC/Taylor match when Pentagon, Fenix, and PAC declared themselves The Death Triangle, and put all of AEW on notice. Private Party and Joey Janela felt the wrath of the trio last week, as you can see in the video above, and it has all brought us to this week's tag team battle! The Lucha Bros find themselves on the outside of the rankings at the moment, but a victory over the fourth ranked team may bump them back into the top 5, and continue the momentum Death Triangle has had since forming in Chicago. For Best Friends, it would be a step closer to proving they deserve a shot at the World Tag Team Titles, as well as a measure of revenge for what has gone down at the hands of Pentagon, Fenix, and PAC in recent weeks. Tag Team Fight... Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) vs. The Butcher & The Blade (w/ The Bunny) Last week fans witnessed Trios action with the full Jurassic Express taking on MJF, The Butcher, and The Blade, with Max picking up a submission victory on Marko Stunt. That may have given MJF some satisfaction, but it did little to quell the competitive fire between the units. It was pretty evident, especially in the moments where The Butcher and Luchasaurus shared the ring, that there was plenty of gas in this tank. The fans wanted to see the two hosses of the AEW roster go toe-to-toe, while Luchasaurus and Butcher certainly wanted to fight it out themselves. This week on “Dynamite”, they will get the chance as JurEx goes to battle with B&B in a tag team grudge match! Both pairs are on the outside of the rankings looking in, so this could also play heavily into their respective chances of getting into title contention. AEW is undoubtedly home to the best tag team wrestling on the planet, and this is just another example of that fact! Four Way Fight... (#1) Hikaru Shida vs. (#2) Riho vs. (#3) Kris Statlander vs. Penelope Ford Last week saw a bit of a shift in the Women's division within AEW. A tag match pitting Women's World Champion Nyla Rose and Bea Priestly against Shida and Statlander saw the champion's team pick up the victory, but then Rose's partner attacked her, held up the championship belt, then tossed it onto the prone form of Nyla. Bea very clearly declared her intentions in the ring, and again in an interview with Alex Marvez after the fact (Watch Here). Later on, as part of “AEW Dark”, the former AEW Women's World Champion Riho was in action against Penelope Ford and, in shocking fashion, Ford picked up the victory over Riho! Calling it a shocker to Riho and fans alike would be understatement, but calling it a game changing moment for Penelope Ford would be right on the money. With those two moments in mind, but Bea unfortunately unable to make the travel, officials signed this Four Way Contest for “Dynamite” pitting the top three contenders, and the upstart Ford, against each other this week! You can be sure Nyla Rose will have a close eye on this one as it will certainly impact her life, and the next challenger for the AEW Women's World Championship! The Exalted One... The time has come for The Exalted One to be revealed. After months of speculation from fans, and within the locker room, after months of listening to Evil Uno rant about the Exalted One being near, or watching, or whatever the case may be, the identity of this individual will finally be brought to light on this week's “Dynamite”. What will this mean for the future of AEW? Will the revelation bring more people to the side of The Dark Order? There is a lot to be determined when the truth finally comes out, but based on this week's “Road To...”, Leva Bates and Peter Avalon may already know the answer to a query that has been haunting All Elite Wrestling for months. The answer is nigh... Make sure your eyes are glued to AEW “Dynamite” this week as the face of “Blood & Guts” is determined, the tag team division gets showcased, the women's division fights over contention, and the truth behind The Dark Order finally comes to light. It all goes down on TNT at 8pm EST/7pm CST when All Elite Wrestling goes LIVE with “Dynamite”!!
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Since their initial debut with All Elite Wrestling, The Dark Order has been a malevolent force, inflicting pain on their targets while simultaneously preying upon the more downtrodden individuals on the rosters. The ones in need of allies, the ones with a strong imbalance on the loss side of their win-loss record, the ones looking to find their place on a roster loaded with talent from top to bottom. Even outside the wrestling ring, if their propaganda vignettes are to be taken as fact, they have reached out into those in the civilian ranks to lure followers into The Dark Order. What the actual number of devotees may be is a guess, speculative, a quantity likely known only to The Exalted One and its public representatives, Stu Grayson and Evil Uno. When The Dark Order has appeared en masse, the numbers fluctuate, and in the earliest days, often took the form of a human throne upon which Uno would sit. It was an eerie sight, a mass of masked humanity upon which Uno sat, using the bodies as his pulpit from which to deliver the gospel of The Dark Order, while Grayson stood by his side in barely contained fury. As the weeks passed, the idea of just what The Dark Order truly was began to coalesce into form. Propaganda posters made their way into arenas, videos of that bent began to appear on TV and make their viral way through the internet via programs like Being The Elite, Road To, and others. Recruitment within the locker room began in earnest, and despite The Dark Order being unsuccessful in the World Tag Team Title Tournament, their message began to find a home in the ears of some, particularly John Silver and Alex Reynolds. Despite successful careers prior to coming to AEW, Silver and Reynolds could not seem to get out of the starting gate here. That frustration proved fertile ground for the seeds Dark Order had been planting, and ultimately led to the two men donning the masks of The Dark Order. But something was different here for Alex and John... For starters, they were not relegated to the nondescript gear worn by the Creepers who have surrounded Uno & Grayson since day one. Second, the masks they wear also bear unique markings that seem to separate John and Alex from the rest of the pack. And finally, as for the masks, unlike the fodder, Silver and Reynolds are not perpetually concealed behind those masks. They enter the arena with their faces displayed, and only don the coverings when it is time for the fight. Then you have the case of Stu Grayson who wears no mask, rather has something akin to war paint adorning his face. Clearly there is some sort of hierarchy within The Dark Order, some meaning to the designs on the mask and the fact Grayson has never worn one himself, but answers will not be forthcoming from anyone in that camp. The masks have also led to rampant speculation as to what other, if there are any, members of the All Elite Wrestling locker room have bought into what The Dark Order is selling. We have seen the likes of CIMA, Michael Nakazawa, and Orange Cassidy, among others, courted to join The Dark Order, on most occasions playing off of disappointing AEW records, and life frustrations, as they did with Silver and Reynolds. We have witnessed Evil Uno sew seeds of distrust and misdirection within SCU, causing Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian to question Christopher Daniels' allegiances, and Daniels to even question himself. Fan even began to speculate that The Fallen Angel was The Exalted One, but Daniels put that all to rest at “Revolution” when he joined SCU and Colt Cabana to fight off The Dark Order. And that brings this exploration to the figure central to The Dark Order: The Exalted One. In the beginning, it appeared Evil Uno was the driving force behind The Dark Order. The human throne was formed for him, Grayson clearly serving as his violent muscle to enforce the intent of The Dark Order, while the Creepers are merely a weapon to be pointed at a target. But as time rolled on, as the recruitment videos began to proliferate, it became clear there was more than meets the eye. This was an organization preying on the disenfranchised, in and out of wrestling, and when The Exalted One was first mentioned, it provided an identity behind the whole organization. Or at least the idea of an identity... Immediately fans began to speculate the identity of The Exalted One with guesses ranging from the aforementioned Christopher Daniels to wrestlers not even on the AEW roster. The clues were sparse, forcing the inner detective in every one into overdrive as fans attempted to decipher the truth. All Uno had to offer was that the Exalted One was always watching, and always close. People even went so far as to try to voice analyze videos in which we were privy to the voice of The Exalted One but not the visual. Is it someone hiding in plain sight? The messages from Uno, the eerie images, they have become increasingly frequent on social media, and the spokesman from the recruitment videos has even made his presence known on live television on “Dynamite”. With the amped up social media presence, the Christopher Daniels incident, the recently started investigation by Leva Bates and Peter Avalon, it all felt like something big was just on the horizon for All Elite Wrestling and The Dark Order. It was beginning to seem like The Exalted One had wormed within the fabric of AEW, and only Uno & Grayson knew the end game. But, as it would be announced on “Dynamite” this past Wednesday, the Exalted One will be revealed this coming Wednesday when we go live on TNT at 8pm EST/7pm CST! It feels like this person has been in our midst for months, and now we will know for certain when “Dynamite” hits the airwaves this week. What will be the repercussions of this reveal for All Elite Wrestling, and will anyone else stand by the side of The Dark Order once this unveiling occurs? Tune in Wednesday night to find out!
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