Ricochet’s NXT North American Title and Pete Dunne’s WWE United Kingdom Title are on the line in a historic Champion vs. Champion Match. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. NXT’s first-ever Champion vs. Champion...
The Forgotten Sons’ Jaxson Ryker makes his WWE Network in-ring debut against NXT newcomer Humberto Carrillo. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. In a battle of NXT newcomers, Jaxson Ryker (the heavy hitter of...
Longtime rivals Mia Yim and Allysin Kay bring their ferocious rivalry to the Mae Young Classic. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. Given Mia Yim and Allysin Kay’s long adversarial relationship (which started when...
Kung fu expert Xia Li battles independent wrestling standout Karen Q in the First Round. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. Xia Li hits like a bolt of lightning: The exact moment of impact...
Australia’s Toni Storm faces England’s Jinny in a battle of NXT UK Superstars. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. If Toni Storm is considered one of the favorites to win it all in this...
Former WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn makes her WWE return against NXT powerhouse Kavita Devi. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. ORLANDO, Fla. — While the returning Kaitlyn was greeted with open arms and chants...
Paige returns to the Total Divas cast at the best possible time for the Women’s division and the worst possible time for Paige: Between the Women’s Evolution, a trio of matches at WrestleMania and the...
The Captain of Team Kick & The Virtuosa join forces against The Lady of NXT & The Cat’s Meow. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network. ORLANDO, Fla. — Dakota Kai & Deonna Purrazzo may...
In a SummerSlam rematch, Drew Gulak has a second opportunity to end The Age of Alexander and take the WWE Cruiserweight Championship from The Soul of WWE 205 Live, Cedric Alexander. Despite being scheduled for...
The inaugural WWE Cruiserweight Champion looks to regain momentum in a fast-paced contest against The Lucha House Party’s own Lince Dorado. With The Lucha House Party continuing their white-hot rivalry with Tony Nese and Buddy...
After returning to action last week in an impressive showing, Mustafa Ali convinced WWE General Manager Drake Maverick and the WWE medical staff that he is once again ready to compete. Having been sidelined by...
There’s about to be a lot of new faces in WWE SuperCard. 2K announced Wednesday that new Throwback, Fusion and Hall of Fame cards will start to appear in the SummerSlam ’18 Tier of WWE...
The first-ever live IMPACT Wrestling “Press Pass” Podcast, which will be held every week for media from around the world, will debut on Thursday, Sept. 20, starting at 1 p.m. ET All media is invited...
The most anticipated video game in sports-entertainment is about to get a major competitive boost. Today, 2K announced details about the downloadable content and Season Pass offerings that will be made available in WWE 2K19....
On Sunday, October 14th when Comda.Com presents Bound For Glory from New York City it will be a night we will never forget. One question we hope to answer is who is the best trio...
The Monster Among Men is unleashed on KO. Don’t miss WWE Mixed Match Challenge, streaming LIVE Tuesdays at 10 ET/7 PT on Facebook Watch. Due to Alexa Bliss harboring an arm injury, the return of...
Mixed Match Challenge veterans (and happily married couple) Jimmy Uso & Naomi took on Fenomenal Flair — WWE Champion AJ Styles & Charlotte Flair — a pairing that the WWE Universe could not wait to...
TULSA, Okla. — Fresh off their contentious win at the WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view event over Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella, The Miz and his “special guest” Maryse arrived on SmackDown LIVE ready...
Becky Lynch bested Charlotte Flair for the SmackDown Women’s Championship this past Sunday at the WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view event … and now it was time to celebrate. With SmackDown LIVE General Manager...
SmackDown General Manager Paige makes The King of Strong Style defends his U.S. Title against The Bulgarian Brute on Rusev Day. Despite the slight miscommunication that potentially cost them the SmackDown Tag Team Titles this...