Week by Week Episode 31

December 23, 2020

videojs.getPlayer(‘bg_1_html5_api’).ready(function () { // +++ Create divs for buttons +++ var myPlayer = this, jumpAmount = 15, controlBar, insertBeforeNode, newElementBB = document.createElement(‘div’), newElementFB = document.createElement(‘div’), newImageBB = document.createElement(‘img’), newImageFB = document.createElement(‘img’); // +++ Assign IDs for later element manipulation +++ newElementBB.id = ‘backButton’; newElementFB.id = ‘forwardButton’; // +++ Assign properties to elements and assign to parents +++ newImageBB.setAttribute(‘src’, ‘//learning-services-media.brightcove.com/doc-assets/player-development/samples/back-forward-buttons/back-button.png’); newElementBB.appendChild(newImageBB); newImageFB.setAttribute(‘src’, ‘//learning-services-media.brightcove.com/doc-assets/player-development/samples/back-forward-buttons/forward-button.png’); newElementFB.appendChild(newImageFB); // +++ Get controlbar and insert elements +++ controlBar = myPlayer.$(‘.vjs-control-bar’); // Get the element to insert buttons in front of in conrolbar insertBeforeNode = myPlayer.$(‘.vjs-volume-panel’); // Insert the button div in proper location controlBar.insertBefore(newElementBB, insertBeforeNode); controlBar.insertBefore(newElementFB, insertBeforeNode); // +++ Add event handlers to jump back or forward +++ // Back button logic, don’t jump to negative times newElementBB.addEventListener(‘click’, function () { var newTime, rewindAmt = jumpAmount, videoTime = myPlayer.currentTime(); if (videoTime >= rewindAmt) { newTime = videoTime – rewindAmt; } else { newTime = 0; } myPlayer.currentTime(newTime); }); // Forward button logic, don’t jump past the duration newElementFB.addEventListener(‘click’, function () { var newTime, forwardAmt = jumpAmount, videoTime = myPlayer.currentTime(), videoDuration = myPlayer.duration(); if (videoTime + forwardAmt <= videoDuration) { newTime = videoTime + forwardAmt; } else { newTime = videoDuration; } myPlayer.currentTime(newTime); }); });
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