Randy Orton def. AJ Styles

December 17, 2019

Can you end a night on a loss and a high note at the same time? The O.C. certainly did. True, AJ Styles dropped a grueling match to Randy Orton, but the good brothers stood tall in a post-match scrum that roped in The Viking Raiders.

That’ll do more than enough to wash out the disappointment of a loss by The Phenomenal One, who pitched a perfect game by targeting Orton’s leg but still sprang headlong into an RKO in the match’s final moments when he got a little too emboldened by his own success. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson quickly rushed the ring to overwhelm The Apex Predator, and while The Viking Raiders briefly evened the odds in a bid for retribution from earlier in the night, Gallows & Anderson rallied to drop the Raw Tag Team Champions for the second straight time this evening. The O.C.’s dominant showing proved that it doesn’t necessarily matter how you start a night, or even the unfortunate turns it might take. How you finish it is the only thing that matters.

Article source: WWE.com

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