Raul Mendoza def. Ariya Daivari

December 14, 2019


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Two weeks ago, Ariya Daivari brought Raul Mendoza’s momentum to a screeching halt with an impressive victory on WWE 205 Live. However, Mendoza has rebounded, and following an impressive win against Cameron Grimes on WWE NXT, he is looking for retribution against The Persian Lion.

An exchange of words and Mendoza quickly putting Daivari on the defensive kicked off the contest. Mendoza maintained pressure on his opponent, forcing him to the outside and charging forward relentlessly with a baseball side. However, Daivari managed to turn the tide by tossing Mendoza into the ring post and taking control of the match.

The advantage allowed Daivari to dish out his brand of punishment, maximizing his aggression and certainly proving he has no love lost for WWE 205 Live’s new crop of competitors. However, breaking free of a hold from Daivari, Mendoza managed to level his opponent with a huge kick to the face, giving him the reprieve he needed to recuperate.

Feeding off the energy of the WWE Universe, Mendoza mounted a high-flying and high-impact offense that left Daivari flattened on the outside. The ever-resilient Daivari refused to stay down, though, countering his opponent with a boot to the face and a frog splash that nearly secured victory.

Continuing to battle back and forth, both Superstars were left in shock at their respective inability to secure victory, and a double cross body collision in the center of the ring left the bout at a stalemate. After trading strikes, Daivari attempted two Hammerlock Lariats but Mendoza countered, rolling up his opponent on the second attempt and securing victory.
Article source: WWE.com

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